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Metabo Oyaji

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Everything posted by Metabo Oyaji

  1. Gotta give Mick credit, though: when he says he wants to go somewhere, he does eventually get there. Persistent fellow.
  2. They're open. I have been to those areas in Golden Week, with family members who were barely above the snowplow level. We got around ok, but as I mentioned, a couple we met who had never put on skis before (from Taiwan, I think -- they latched onto me as the only other apparent foreigner in sight), found the slope down from the Tashiro ropeway station debilitatingly terrifying. I can't even imagine how they would have managed the off-ramp for the pair lift back up to the station at the end of the day. Really, a rank beginner needs something much more gentle to start. Perhaps a conveyor
  3. Regardless of lessons, if Onbilly and family are complete novices (can't even snowplow), then I would recommend against Kagura. I saw someone put on skis for the first time at the upper Tashiro ropeway station, and it was not a pretty sight. I tried to teach him and his wife the snowplow just because I felt sorry for them... but they were still sweating bullets and looking down the hill with fright when we finally had to move on... English lessons, I don't know where those might be found that time of year. Hakuba, perhaps?
  4. Maybe Tashiro side of Kagura? But you would need to at least already be able to do the snowplow (or falling leaf, if boarders) to be able to get down from the ropeway station to the base area. (Or does the Dragondola run then?)
  5. Appi Kogen looks to be getting a decent topping up, just in time for my arrival this weekend: http://www.snowjapan.com/japan-ski-resorts/iwate/hachimantai/appi-kogen/snow-weather-reports But I'm easy. I'll be happy with anything other than rain!
  6. We can only hope so. I was pleased to learn recently that highway tolls include consumption tax. Combined with the upcoming percentage reduction in ETC discount, it is like a double-dose of Abenomics.
  7. Why can't the Paralympics be merged with the Olympics? Stretch the broadcast schedule out, and add some extra categories to cover the paralympic events. Seems a better solution than giving the parathletes second-rate weather conditions and third-rate TV coverage. Heck, make the whole combined thing a month-long event -- viewers would be happier, too.
  8. Crisis resolved -- everyone respects democratic process and the local right of determination. Right?
  9. Had to think about #3 for a bit. (That always ruins a joke.)
  10. A good crop of cheese photos. Muika: that cheese is looking a bit battered. Rough season? Mick Rich: So what was Cream Cheese Rum Raisin's favorite resort? And did you really ride in that snow cat?
  11. See that white square diagonally to the upper right of MickRich's head, on the corner of the booth? That's the (possibly sun-bleached?) SJ sticker (I think!):
  12. Yeah, highlights seem to be about all that are being broadcast.
  13. Just think of all the Information that is locked away in that Information Center until the snow melts: Mt. Granview looks Mt. Powderriffic!
  14. Wow, natsukashii. Haven't heard that song in more than thirty years. Goes well with the video. Used to love the Stranglers. Got any "Tank"?
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