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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by Cathedrealhead

  1. Who really needs a netbook, or texting on phones, or a whole load of other things. Personally I don't like the way things are going with everyone connected all the time and instant answers etc etc. Time to take a step back and live a less un-necessarily crazy-paced life I think.
  2. Interview people in the street in any country and you'll get a ton of similar
  3. Working for yourself is often as bad.... perhaps feeling you should be working when you're not often creeps in. Got to get the mindset right.
  4. First trip to Niseko in January. Hoping to make a few more in Feb and Mar but planning for those will come later. Thanks to this site and forums for all the sweet info. Makes it all so easy.
  5. Pan-kun rocks. I wonder if he has many monkey friends.
  6. And theres yet another Janneeeeez (pre-pubescent) boy band now - NYC Boys! Yay.
  7. I tried and enjoyed surfing. Boarding looked like a good thing to try when it was snowy. I was right!
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