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Do you have your favorite place to read?

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I spend a lot of time reading books these days.

But I don't want to stay home all day and looking for a cozy cafe where I can be absorbed in a book holidays.

Do you have your favorite place to read or write or whatever? Do you read at home?

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What is it with this reading on the bog deal?


How long do you sit there?


I actually find the idea of it quite disgusting. My grandfather used to be on there for so long reading and I always hated that....

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My family said that the crap all over the front step was disgusting, that's why I started reading in the toilet.



Well, being on the toilet is not very interesting in itself, so it seems sensible to use the time enjoyably. Also, nobody expects you to be folding up laundry or supergluing toys back together again when you're on the toilet - whereas it's more than mozzards that start circling when you sit out on that step thar.


Avoid secondhand copies of a book called 'The Battle of Trafalgar' - I once dropped mine down the toilet and then sold it to another history buff - it's still out there somewhere.

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bog?? lol.gif priceless! never heard that one before!


Anyone seen the Seinfeld with George and the toilet and the book? Classic! Ocean, you'll never be able to take any of your books back now.


For me, I read in my bed (not necessarily before bed). I have a really comfy loft with a futon and some big pillows. I could stay up there all day. I hate reading in libraries or cafes. Seems more of a yuppie 'I want to be noticed for being literate' kind of thing. Okay, I just can't keep my eyes off the women that walk in. I'd rather read in solitude.


On 'the bog', it's all about Surfer and Powder magazines \:D My butt goes numb if I'm there for too long. Not good for book reading.

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The 'bog' library is quite extensive in our house. Definitely a great place to read, but the numb legs get to be a real problem.


Got to be a market for an ergonomically design toilet seat, or maybe an arse sling... ummm, they'd work well for a japanese style joint too...

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I generally only read while travelling - flights/trains/buses, and then in the hotel in the evening.


Theres too many distractions at home for me to read there.

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I'm always reading on the train.

Starbucks is too busy to read. I fall asleep as soon as lying down on my bed and can't read...

So, on the train (only 15minutes, though) is the best so far.

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A few years ago I enjoyed a 50 minute train ride to and from work. Sounds bad, but I always had a seat and would read away each morning and evening, 5 days a week. It was a great way to get almost 10 hours of reading time during the working week. Now that I am in Tokyo the concept of reading on my commuter ride has gone out the window. No need to detail the experience here, I am sure we all know it. Dehumanising, dignity stripping zombie trains. If that is a window into the future then I am off to buy a small farm on some forgotten coastal area.


I also used to read a lot on the beach, but if the book was a long one it tended to be pretty battered by the end from all the sand and wind and sunscreen and being shoved into a cramped beach bag. Sydney summers would often involve a Saturday 8am breakfast on the balcony, walk 4 minutes to the beach, build lounge chair out of sand (set to very-reclined position), anchor towel with lots of little rocks, swim and body surf, dry off, assume reclined position, read until lunch time, leave stuff on beach & walk home for lunch, eat, return to beach, read until 6pm, go for a evening swim, go home, shower, apply 27 liters of moisteriser, wonder about skin cancer, have bbq on balcony, drink a beer, go to bed, repeat on Sunday. On a good summer weekend I could almost get in 10 hours of reading.


I used to read a lot and was not quite as udon pale as I am today.


In Tokyo I do not read nearly as much. I suppose my preferred place is on my lounge room couch with my dog, however the risk of snoozing off is very high. But lets be honest, nothing is better than drifting off on the couch each weekend afternoon. This has become my Tokyo thing: maximise time spent in dream world. Snoozing is golden.

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