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How do you cope with 20kmh drivers

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I was driving on a road today for about 20 minutes behind this old bloke driving along at about 20kmh. It was a fairly narrow and windy road and so really almost nowhere to overtake. Having said that, anything less than 40kmh on that road is just silly. He didn't let me pass - the guy probably didn't even see me, when I eventually overtook him he looked like a zombified 90 year old.


Drivers like that drive me nuts. 20km should be a crime!


Perhaps I should just stop for 10 minutes and let him pull away (!) to avoid the frustration!

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LOL! I got that a few weeks ago on route 141 to Nagano, hardly any where to overtake and had to follow some old grandad for ages, in the end I whipped past him, just so damm annoying!

Unlike the UK all the roads here even open roads that are dead straigt for miles have those solid yellow lines that you are not suppose to overtake on. Most are also 40 kph speed limits, I mean 40 on an open road with modern day cars, I go faster than that on my bicycle!! The trafic laws and speed limits here are from the dinasaur age!

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Originally Posted By: BagOfCrisps
Just look out for Mr Policeman.

they are all on their little scooter's here....I can go faster on my space hopper!!

remember one Friday night seeing the weekly procession of bozozoku's (the teen maggots on the hairdryer bikes) tearing down the road being "chased" by one copper on his putt-putt scooter!! lol
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