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Thanks guys. Really appreciate all the wishes & good luck messages. Sorry it's been a few days. They've actually given me a project at work! Have to make the English Website for the company. They had been "secretly" making one for the last few months & now its all up and running they asked me to "check" it. After 2 mins of looking at it here , I thought it needed more than just checking. Been spending all my "freetime at work" in meetings trying to work out what they want & negotiating changes. Just got to figure out how to use Dreamweaver now...

Anyway enough excuses... no doubt there will be plenty computer rants from me over the next few weeks.


The wedding story.

Not sure if it was really eventful enough to be called a story but here goes. Mr me jane had to work the lunch shift at his bar I had to wait at home for the air conditioner to be fitted (very romantic). We had planned to meet at about 4pm at the station to go to the ward office together but it ended up being 4:40 so we practically ran to the place. Handed in all the bits of paper to the office staff and after a bit of confusion over who was living where, they told us to sit down and gave us one of those number tickets they give you at the bank. We were the only couple there and sat a few metres from the desk but minutes later our number came blaring out of a loud speaker and flashing up in red on a digital display. We went back to the desk and were told that all our bits of paper were in order. Didn't know what to do after that so I asked Mr me jane if that meant we were married but he wasn't sure either so he asked the clerk. Clerk told us we were - so off we went to celebrate! After that spent about an hour looking at wedding rings but couldn't decide and got hungry so went to a nice little restaurant and drank lots of champagne and wine! Then we went home to bed!



Still can't get used to being Mrs me jane. Have to keep reminding myself that I'm married!!

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Thanks all.

One week anniversary yesterday!


Originally posted by eyeeyeeyeeyeeye:

...was there much preparation leading up to the big day?)

Had to collect a few bits of paper beforehand. Took about a month to get everything done. They wanted a certified copy of my birth cert & a translation of it, a cert of eligability to marry from the embassy, Husband's family register (koseki) and a bit of cash for the marriage certificate they were to give me. Now I've got those certificates I have to go to the embassy to get them filed in the UK and do all my name changing stuff in my passport. Then it'll be back to the ward office again to change my name in the gaijin card. I think start to finish it probably takes about 8 to 10 weeks. Probably about half that if you don't change your name.


Actually a couple of my co-workers asked me if I'd still be Me Jane. Guess they hadn't realised that they'd been using my first name the whole time!


Originally posted by big-will:

Didn't mummy me jane want to be at the big ceremony?

No, I don't think so, but then she might not have told me if she was dreaming of a white wedding in the UK. They have aready met a few times so she wasn't worried about that. I think she was glad not to have to come to Japan again. Didn't cope well with the long flight.


Cheers, 2pints,mate!


Originally posted by Ocean11:

Your company has a nice English website. What's wrong with it?

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