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Everything posted by actually

  1. Actually, unless you are strictly going for day-trip, I'd choose Nozawa or Shiga Kogen over Kagura almost any day.
  2. Quote: I thought I was dreaming So, not actually a nightmare then?
  3. actually, Markie and best skier don't seem to be the ones doing the arguing here - which is quite funny!
  4. I actually got bored of shuffle and random. I'm back onto full albums/CDs
  5. Actually, the new top of the range ones are officially around 400,000 yen. But you can get those for about 3/4 of that cost.
  6. Actually I'd like to see a "best curry rice" vid. Seriously, good idea! All I need is a camera!
  7. Actually Goryu and 47 are. Perhaps a few teams are needed.
  8. Actually we couldn't have it in Hakuba because of all the steepness.
  9. Actually, there should be a SJ footie tournament. Get some teams together...
  10. Thanks - how much did you actually pay for the new set?
  11. Thanks. Money isn't actually tight so to speak (though obviously I don't to pay more than need be) - I will want new ones... will actually also be needing the middle wheel bits as well (not just the tyre).
  12. Thanks tsondaboy. Actually, what car do you have if you don't mind me asking?
  13. Anyone on here recently bought any studless tyres? Actually, what did you pay for them?
  14. Don't ask me for translations by the way.....
  15. I don't know about other places but, actually, here you have to remember all of those add on costs. I have just got a quote on a 2nd hand car and basically 100,000 yen is made up of stuff like the below. 税金・保険 自動車税(12月) 9,800 自賠責保険料 21,230 計 31,030   販売諸費用 車庫証明費用 15,000 検査登録代行費用 25,000 下取り車査定料 7,000 下取り車代行費用 6,500 課税分小計 53,500 預かり法定費用 車庫証明 2,700 検査登録 3,380 リサイクル預託金 10,600 公正証書作成費用 非課税分小計 16,680 自動車任意保険 合 計 101,210 On a car with a quotation of 800,000 yen, it brings it all up to more like 900,000 yen
  16. Metrosexual!? No makeup for me. I hate the way some girls put way too much on as well.
  17. Keanes first album is really good, if you like that sort of thing.
  18. actually, I had an EK doll + bike. It was great.
  19. Cool! Even though spending cash to go on that doesn't appeal to me, it is still another sign of winter just round the corner
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