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Everything posted by SirJibAlot

  1. But i'm game to hook up with anyone who's going. I was just going to work on my switch riding a bit (basically - I suck at switch) and just warm up the legs a bit given that the snow isn't wonderful...although there is a hint of snow in the forecast tomorrow.... -SJA
  2. A little of everything... J-pop....Otsuka Ai, Spitz, B'z, Glay, Dragon Ash Lounge....Lamb, Air, Zero-7 Rap...Ludacris, SnoopDog, Ol Dirty Bastard Rock...RedHotChiliPeppers, Green Day, No Doubt Classical...Tchicovsky, Bach, Stravinsky and of course...the master himself, god rest his soul....James Funking Brown! -SJA
  3. Anyone tried the new 'genki-go' shuttle in Hakuba? I did and the system is lousy. Can't buy tickets on-board, only runs at night - but not late enough for the bar crawlers. It would be a great service if they just made a few adjustments...anyone else have any comments? -SJA
  4. Cheeseman, Where is the best place to find great cheeses in Tokyo? Nissin Supermarket? -SJA
  5. If you look at the rate of return of the US stock market (NYSE) or other markets, you are much better investing overseas. Even if you take an exchange hit going out and coming in, you will probably do better in the long run. I have my cash overseas in MM accounts (get better interest than a checking account but is still liquid). I have a range of investments in the US that I manage via the web (etrade, Vanguard, etc.) Japan's interest and investment situation sucks. Probably the only thing worth investing in is realestate as it seems to be making a slow comeback. -SJA
  6. that you can get snowboard DVDs on ebay (with shipping to Japan) cheaper than buying in the stores here....
  7. merryJim, If you board, wrist guards advisable. If you ski, no worries - but the helmet is good for all. -SJA
  8. kewl....do you have a place where we can see your work? -SJA
  9. 10,000 daily is a reasonable assumption. You could probably get by with less. Better to have too much than too little. You may need to buy drinks for a little snow bunny you meet on the slopes.... -SJA
  10. No, but it sounded pretty funny. Obviously the dude that came up with this was pretty desprate to make an original trick. That said...i'm tempted to try it. -SJA
  11. Curt, Mine is the HP Photosmart 2570. Link below: http://h10010.www1.hp.com/wwpc/us/en/sm/...=reg_R1002_USEN It can connect via Ethernet and has a built in print server (handy if you use wireless with multiple machines that need to share the printer). It also has a multi-card reader so you can upload you digital camera pictures to your machine. You can even print directly from the memory cards (althought, i've never tried it) The one thing you have to be careful. When installing the software, make sure windows is set to english otherwise it will install all the s/w and
  12. Rambo (it was on TV the other night). Kind of funny when you watch it now - based in Afganistan during the soviet invasion - lot of parallels to the current situation there. -SJA
  13. i'm scared of Wii...i might impale my plasma with the remot in a mad frenzy of Nintennis. http://www.wiidamage.com/ -SJA
  14. All ink jets are a pain when it comes to ink refills. I had 2 Epsons and while the picture printing quality was great, the ink dries out quickly without regular use, the black only printing quality was so so, and you waste a ton of ink going thru the 'cleaning' cycle in order to get clear prnting. I bought an HP earlier this year (multi-funtion) and I must say, i've been constantly impressed by this machine. The ink is perfect everytime (even when I don't use it for weeks and suddenly need a rush print job - it's perfect everytime. Another cool feature is that you can pop in a bl
  15. With the wife's japanese family - eating osetchi watching the NYD TV, heading to the jinja soon. No jibbing today . In anycase....HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!!!
  16. Veronica, Yes, I had a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd gen ipod as well as a nano. I've been looking for a replacement for my ipod for quite some time, but i'm not willing to sacrifice sound quality, ease of use, etc. The Zune player is the first one that really stacks up. The only complaint is that the largest size HDD is 30GB and it's slightly bigger than an ipod. But the positivies far outweight these 2 negatives. The coolest feature is that it will automatically DL the album art for ALL SONGS in your library - not just the ones you paid for but the ones that you ripped off as well! If t
  17. I'm not a weather forecaster, but I'll be there either Sun/Mon or both. Monday is a holiday next week...so it will probably be crowded as hell. -SJA
  18. XilR8, I hadn't seen one of those tuning devices before, that looks pretty convienent. I have a small handheld tuner, but it's not adjustable. Thanks for the link. I agree, it seems the Japanese like jumping and ground tricks more than jibbing. -SJA
  19. You guys get all the best spam. I keep getting ones asking me to enlarge my brests.... -SJA
  20. I hate apple. They are an evil company that kills innovation on thier platform and squeezes out developers. I'm not a big MS fan, but at least they don't try to kill innovation of 3rd parites. My Zune player rocks....bye bye ipod. -SJA
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