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Everything posted by bettyx

  1. Quote: Originally posted by db le spud: Skiing as a recreational pastime is not a very interesting topic to talk about (or participate in), so most people obsess about other thing: gear, BC, travelling to new places, teasing Niseko. [/QB] maybe you aren't talking/skiing with the right people?
  2. dry&heavy & audio active have all toured oz & were awesome live - ive never caught them over here though. cornelius is doing an instore at tower records in shibuya next tuesday at 7pm if anyone's interested? i'm looking forward to it as he always puts on a wicked show (plus the price is right)!
  3. great, thank you. now i:ve just got to figure out how to make a 40min lesson out of it? im still looking for a better sweep though.. any ideas? the HK one is rather small.
  4. anyone know where i can get a melbourne cup sweep? i was thinking of talking about it in class with my 3rd year kids. i was hoping to find a sweep with the jockey's uniforms on it, like the pull-out you get in the main newspapers in oz. and anyone know if the race is broadcast online? i thought it would be cool to listen in if possible. thanks.. and my money's on number 3,4 and 23.
  5. hey mejane, do you have any links for that place? i wouldnt mind checking it out.
  6. They have that anti-sniping thing where if someone bids at the last minute that it adds 10 min. to the auction. It seems that alot of people play that to their advantage what's the deal with this?i:m trying to buy a concert ticket but the time limit just kept changing.. any ideas how i can win? when is a good time to enter a bid? should i wait until the last minute? i fear my internet isn:t as fast as some.
  7. annie hall, anyone?! this is one of my favourite movies ever!!
  8. fjef, i think kaz may have been a special case as he's just a little shredder!
  9. are they paying you in gold bullion down at hakuba high?! i'm so envious of your grand plans. i'd like to get a new little board. maybe a little dakine girls helipak. but you girl, are going to kick some ass out there! (&i'll be your cameragal anyday.)
  10. ha! we can't all be that hardcore, toque. i had blisters beneath blisters and the first aid were talking total surgery.. and yet i walked on. now that's character..but i'll be damned if i do it again. all hail second skin! (now i've gotta find out what a TR is)
  11. do they sell that 'second skin' stuff here? it's for blisters and is actually rather amazing. prevention is the best medicine however sometime that kinda friction can't be helped, and a little artificial cushioning can be a lifesaver.
  12. jesus, mine doesn't even make in into the top 55,000 in america, nor has it been recorded after the 1881 survey in the UK.
  13. from june-dec last year. nice place.not quite hakuba, though.
  14. howdy, i'm in oxford but heading to cornwall tomorrow to learn how to surf (*ahem*) but i'll be back in japan next tuesday -- provided i can get outta the UK. security is tight but so is my budget, so they'd better let me outta here! hope yr wounds are healing up ok?
  15. ahahahah!! thanks, folks. give me a shout if you see me on the slopes.. ill be the one with the learner plate on my board.. im open to any tips/advice.. yoroshiku ne!
  16. australian airlines are great. the attendants are all qantas & yet soo much nicer. one asked how i was, i said i was tired, & she hooked me up with 3 seats in a row. also gave me extra wagon wheels!
  17. watch out for those airlines. qantas can be totally anal about going overlimit, even with sporting allowances. apparently it helps if you call in advance & warn them that you're coming through with sporting goods? also_ do they make swallowtails for small people? or should i just look at a longer board?i'm currently on a 138cm & i think in the powder a little extra length/skill would definitely be handy. tsondaboy gave me a 143cm which i'm hoping to wax up & try out over the new year, but am interested in the swallowtail style too.
  18. someone told me that if it snows this much in december, the snow will just stop & the season will end much earlier than usual. is that correct? do the snow gods punish for giving early gifts?
  19. wow.. that does sound pretty sucky. my problems were due to general boredom & monotony.. hope you all get plenty of time out of the office/classroom & on the snow this season!
  20. is walk the line playing in japan? i'm hanging out to see that film.. isn't colin farrell one of the beautiful people? (apart from the rehab & all)
  21. but with the amount of powder around at the mo', won't he need to be using his back leg? my back leg was killing me after a day in the powder, i swear i had my weight on it aaalll day. guess it depends when he's heading out? my advice - find which part of you body you tend to land on most, & buy some protective gear to save yrself a lot of pain. some people almost always land on their knees, others their bottom & i tend to land on my hands, so i bought some wrist guards at the very beginning. i've known some people to stuff towels/bubble wrap down their pants to save their
  22. all of it. *that's why i am packing my bags for hakuba~*
  23. nicole i love how girly you are. things were rather manly around here before.. GHD are the really expensive ones with ceramic plates, right? (shows how girly i am) hope santa brings me a pack of panadol. or some crumpets.
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