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About banjobiwan

  • Rank
    SJ'er with 75+ posts
  1. TEX...try hitting annupuri, you WILL find Pow there
  2. i heard the higashi one face, which to get to from gate 5 would involve a pretty long traverse unless the hiked up from Gate 5. i liked the Avie report yesterday with the comments on not making ugly lines by traversing and follow the fall line.
  3. hey GN, most likely heading over to Moiwa tomorrow for a last ditch BC/SC shred, you got any places recommendable for shooting drops/pillows etc. want to try and get a few good ones before we head off tuesday. 2 more days riding...bugger how quickly a month goes.
  4. Originally Posted By: JA Of course, if you are there for the skiing/boarding, the accom is more or less irrelevant - so long as there's a bed to crash on at the end of the day! this is how i see it, anything else is just a bonus
  5. just above the little knoll on the snow in the foreground...just like a super mario brothers warp pipe... probably goes to a bonus level
  6. nice little vid! looks like great snow. did the cam come off or did you bomb?
  7. dissappointed that kevin pearce and now danny davis are out of olympic Halfpipe. i would prefer slopestyle though to be introduced.
  8. i am sure you guys have already seen this, but for those who are looking at this thread and wondering what all the fuss is about....sit down, read the description and watch the vid http://vimeo.com/6581009
  9. jihaa, how's the heat of oz? i should be asleep right now but still stoked on today...i mean yesterday zzzz
  10. thanks thursday Sorry SJ it's not what i meant by time consuming... what i was implying was to do with the fact i shot over 500 pics today and i dont have the time atm to upload them as there are far to many to choose from! we had such a great day, i just wanted to share a little of the stoke as i could not contain how awesome a day we had! Muikabochi - you obviously do this a lot thats why i asked, it's not that i dont have the time...i really want to share the stoke and experience. it took me over an hour of sorting through the pics to find what i wanted to share here! it''s kind
  11. you post a lot of photo's on here muikabochi...do you have a work around that makes it faster? i just find having to upload individual or 5 pics at a time then open my gallery and individually copy the image URL is very time consuming. if i had a mouse rather than a trackpad i would probably not complain so much, but i find this hard at the moment. on my imac at home i do everything a LOT faster.
  12. after a well earned but albeit silly move to take the day off riding yesterday (i heard some epic lines were had all over) we decided to do a bit of peak hiking today. once in the morning dropping from mt annupurri peak down fujiwara no sawa to hanazono 308 for a quick break...then traverse to annupuri side to meet the crew for lunch. then at 225 we headed out gate 2 up the south peak, down to mt annupurri and dropped into kozan no sawa.... the weather lifted, blue sky and golden snow as the sun was dropping made for a great run down and high fives all round at the bottom enjoy some of the pi
  13. take it to bontak just nea demo in hirafu, they are wizards at fixing stuff and dont charge a whole lot.
  14. How safe was the peak yesterday GN? Were a lot of people hitting it up?
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