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Everything posted by muikabochi

  1. 270000 yen? What does that include soubriquet? water and the like?
  2. haha. not sure there would be too much demand for snow here, most people seem to want to see the last of it.
  3. Same here, it's generally been a bit rubbish since then.. spring came too early.
  4. I think if you do a long time day in day out it is good to learn quickly. If you are just doing a day then another day 2 weeks later etc, it takes much longer. A good solid 2 weeks will get you going pretty decent.
  5. Thats weird, considering so many other places seem to have more than usual.
  6. Thanks. I'm really not sure, I didn't see anything on the rice field at all - it just looked clear. I'll try and take a pic this week.
  7. I was taking a walk near where I live on a country road, there's still about 1-1.5 meters of snow on the rice fields. Except one. Well, half of one. For some reason, there's no snow on about half of one of the rice fields. It looks really strange and I can't work out why just that part has melted. I'll have to take a photo. Any ideas?
  8. It was just on the news something about "Winny" - is it some kind of software?
  9. Quote: Something four-times more expensive than the gift you received Is that right soubriquet? I had never heard that one. It doesn't sound as scary as the engagement (wedding?) ring being 3 months wages
  10. People saying things they don't mean... annoys me.
  11. Saw some "highlights". Well I flicked through the highlights to view my highlights. (Often when some lovely dress walked up to the podium). It lasted all of 15 minutes.
  12. A friend of mine had his bright orange ski books crack open on him at the top of Nozawa. That journey to the bottom looked pretty mad. (He was mad as well, the boots were only a year old!)
  13. Looks like there might be some of that today. I'll let you know
  14. Hurrah! I'm taking a holiday, getting my kit on and going out there on our lovely new fresh snow
  15. They are so funny sometimes hey. I like to confuse them with a slightly off original entry, the results come back even more bizarre.
  16. I'm taking the day off today coz it looks like it will be fine and theres new snow
  17. It looks like gala will be closed again today because of winds
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