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Everything posted by marnix

  1. Quote: Originally posted by SubZero: You destroyed perfectly good Glenfiddich with water??!! Try it with ice-cubes - very smooth. From scotchwhisky.net: Quote: Many who drink Scotch whisky neat say they do not want to spoil the taste by adding water. However, equally as many will say that adding a touch of water, particularly if it is pure, soft spring water, (ideally the same spring water used in the making of the particular whisky!) serves to enhance the distinctive aroma and flavour of a whisky. Tap water may contain high amounts of chlorine and therefore would not comple
  2. Always instruct the skier/boarder to keep going (some tend to ski towards you and stop in front of you or 1 turn below you. I am 1 of those that keep forgetting this)
  3. But if the definition of resort size is unclear or at least confusing how can you decide wisely?
  4. Quote: Originally posted by SubZero: Much of the Euro gear doesn't cope well with our terrain and climate anyway. What make your terrain and climate so different that you need special OZ/NZ material?
  5. Mont Blanc Well no experience with the real stuff but my Chinese rip-off version is the best fountain pen I have. Much better then my Waterman, Parker and some others. The only thing i don't like about this pen is filling the ink reservoir. This always creates a mess.
  6. The first guys I saw stripping barenaked were Aussies. This happened 7 or so years ago at a party during the World Cup Freestyle in Tignes. The Japanese guys picked up pretty quickly as they did it the following night. Anyway not a pretty sight
  7. Lech/Zurs is great many snobbish resort skiers. It is on the same pass as St. Anton, but you need to take a bus to get there from St. Anton. This keep smost people on the other side of the mountain. So you end up with a whole lot of backcountry just for yourself and your buddies. It also doesn't have the altitude problem like many other Austrian resorts. It has 1 "problem" too much snow. Don't go there when the Dutch queen visits as it feels like she always gets snowed in when she visits Lech.
  8. Somehow I don't like Salomon skis either. The first few days they ski great but after 2 weeks they already seem to lose their bounce. Anja Paerson skis on Fischers with a Salomon logo. Atomic skis: many skis straight out of the factory, even limited edition racemodels need heavy tuning before they are good. general problem: concave base. you don't notice this as they are skiable but after some grinding/tuning you will notice the improvement. Marker bindings: I have broken some bones through malfunctioning of brand new Markers and I know more people who had this problem.
  9. It's just 4km to the disputed border to Pakistan. Don't know much about it. Don't do too much experimental backcountry stuff you might end up on the other side of the border.
  10. Very smelly indeed! Another reason to be on the snow as long as possible.
  11. Zell am See is a pretty small area compared to Saalbach-Hinterglemm plus S-H tend to get a little more snow. As they are only 15 minutes apart.... Note: both resorts are low (up to 2000m) As are most skiresorts in Austria.
  12. I prefer certain brands, but not enough to not look at others before I buy something. I have a list of some brands I wouldn't touch.
  13. Not too busy with 1 long, rather flat run from the top to the bottom. There are a few short powder lines, but with some hiking (when I was there no one bothered what and where you were going) the lines get longer.
  14. Totally agree with fjef, although the baumbar is a great apresski hangout. A glacier in winter is generally miserably cold and unless there is a lack of snow it is better to avoid them altogether. Besides Kitzsteinhorn (Kaprun) is pretty flat. Wouldn't go to Zell am See either. If you want to stay in the area Saalbach-Hinterglemm is a better option. If you want powder then try Uttendorf Weissensee Gletscherbahnen. It is on the backside of Kaprun's glacier. Very small resort (5 lifts) but great backcountry and not many people. Snow is snow sometimes it is good sometimes it i
  15. I know the airbag. this is really similar but I don't know what is better. And if you have the airbag thing how big/heavy is it?
  16. No, I would like to. FT did it. I know the guy who is number 12 or so on the list. He seems to be very sane, almost boring.
  17. Here a full updated list on speedskiing http://www.speedski.nl/vitesses2005.pdf
  18. An avalanche product to find avalanche victims faster (if they carry this product). It is a bit like the avalanche airbag. They also have some very interesting avalanche facts like: The average depth of an avalanche victim is 70cm. and most (no percentage) are less then 1.5m deep. I thought it was much deeper. lawinenball
  19. Actually Copenhagen is a nice city and full of hot chicks especially on weekends when a lot of Swedish girls join the party in Copenhagen. Prague is a great city or party hard in Ibiza.
  20. The Sunny day vids are great. My favorite is the "over the rainbow" segment. Very funny
  21. A friend of mine was driving back from from Val dÍsere to Tignes just after a succesfull interview with a guiding operator and there was lots of snow on the road. So he stopped and took his snowchains out of the back. Then another car stops and his new boss gets out. He grabs the snowchains and throws them deep into the valley and tells my friend "You're a mountain man, mountain men don't need chains". Guess I am not a mountain man.
  22. Quote: Originally posted by Thunderpants: your speed is ALWAYS lowered from the friction between tire and road regardless of using engine or brake. Friction will always be present but going downhill gravity kicks in hard. Then the only viable option to not ruin your car is gearing down. you still have to use the brakes but a lot less then in standard gear.
  23. Quote: Originally posted by rach: Rule of Four. I isn't exciting me. I thought it was a good read. It kept me up until dawn.
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