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yoroshiku onegai shimasu

SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by yoroshiku onegai shimasu

  1. Talking about ice skating - does being good at skiing make it easy to pick up? Any crossover in skills so to speak?
  2. I had that confusion when I bought my last computer. I just got a geeky friend to advise, though then again that will just have been HIS preference I'm sure. Whatever.
  3. Out of interest what is the reasoning for that 3 year limit?
  4. Ghost, really liked it. Marked a rather important occasion for me so that has something to do with it for sure.
  5. What colour is the sky over Japan? Click to reveal.. Brew
  6. Is it over yet? Back to my base on Monday, work the week after... feels like the summer is coming to an end.
  7. I have been on holiday mode the last few weeks and not really on the ball with work but having to keep up with a few things at the same time. Just realised that I have signed off on a few emails - one to my boss and one to a customer - with "love from". Oops
  8. Not keen on it myself - and it gives me a bad hangover.
  9. Tried it. It sure is different! Not sure i want to try it again.
  10. Apparently she has said she's had enough. As long as she promises to stay out of a position of power, I find her quite amusing as well as scary of course.
  11. Lets hope she doesn't want to be something more than govenor, Mamabear. Seriously scary woman.
  12. Mamabear, so sorry to hear that but glad you only posted after you got the good news as well. Take care.
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