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Everything posted by daver

  1. Quote: Originally posted by samurai: nor has bread. or wine. or beer. This country can serve you sashimi with the fish still flapping it's tail and its gills still gasping for air, but the above prove to be culinary impossibilities. your being relentless in this thread. have a bad week?
  2. Quote: Originally posted by ger: As far as naming a kid after them.... some people like the gw consonant cluster. It's non-existent in dictionary entries but occasionally occurs in names --like Gwent and Gwendelin. I have no idea weather Daver's fondness of the name is aesthetic or sentimental.... obligation actually.
  3. in light of this issue the japan times has recently done an article on stalking cases in japan. http://search.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/fl20070410zg.html it seems that although the laws are in place to prevent stalking albeit only implemented in 2000, it really depends on the police you deal with as to whether or not your case will be taken seriously. however thankfully there are civil society groups out there that will act on a victim's behalf and insure the reluctant police take all the appropriate actions.
  4. this gaming is proving all my suspected gambling problems. i just can't stop taking risks.
  5. i don't know if it is fair to do so but i am willing to accept that sexual harassment is overlooked in places like india, the middle east, or south america. that doesn't mean i think it should happen, nor does it mean i think this is an issue in which cultural relativity should take precedence over universal morality, i just am not surprised to hear it is the case. where as i am not willing to accept it is overlooked in japan. the simple reason being japan's significant stature globally and its desire to be an active and influential player in world policy. if this be the case then japan,
  6. Quote: Originally posted by tsondaboy: I also wanna check Gasan this year. although i've never gone, from all the accounts i've heard gassan is a waste of time and money. especially if you are coming all the way up from tokyo.
  7. do it. if for nothing else go for the experience of traveling through forgotten japan.
  8. don't forget about getou kogen in south iwate. consistently the most snow in tohoku and quite often honshu.
  9. regardless if it is a boy or a girl i will name my first child GWAR.
  10. i found the tgv to be a little cramped and more of a hassle in regards to scheduling. and that was when i was a teenager backing on a whim. now that i'm fat and old i suspect the comfy and regular shinkansen is more likely to get my vote.
  11. it is certainly a unique place. i too was perplexed by the buried snow cat. a good demonstration of the resort's priorities.
  12. actually the university ski club has a deal with temple basin - do some work for a weekend early season and score a free pass. not too bad at all.
  13. thanks guys. it was a great trip, and certainly worth checking out if you are up in the area and you have the skills. a little far from tokyo are i suppose but worth it. happy to add a little northern flavor to this rather hakuba centered forum. Quote: Originally posted by Toque: You moving to the West Kootenays? nope. too bad, i love the kootenays and i was thinking about doing the UBC teacher's programme there but i've decided to do it in cantebury new zealand. CLUB FIELDS!!!
  14. The weekend past Samurai and I hit the road and went to Hachimantai for a last breath of winter. While most of the island was quickly moving into spring, weather reports were forecasting upwards of 25cm of fresh snow and winter conditions for both Saturday and Sunday in Iwate. So at 4am we loaded up the rental car and blasted up north to be at the resort for first chair. Hachimantai is a resort unlike any other in Japan. The lifts system makes sense (albeit there are only three), the lifties are friendly and make conversation, JPop is not polluting your air space rather you are greeted b
  15. they robed me of my civil liberties.
  16. the guy deserves it for being an imbecile. it shouldn't take long whilst in thailand to notice thais are rather passionate about their royal family.
  17. for some reason i have far less concern for seals. actually i hate seals. nothing but a bag of goo with flippers.
  18. No I don't go around telling other Canadians that, in fact I'm more likely to tell the overly zealous patriot to take a rest. I know what you mean. For me it is really more of a, "I'm so glad I wasn't born in a refugee camp," type of thing. The stuff on the news casting is kinda harmless, but it is promoting blind nationalism. How harmless is that?
  19. To be perfectly honest I do feel rather lucky to have been born Canadian. That's not to say no other place can compare, but the reality is most don't. I could have just as easily been born in a country that does not provide me with nearly the same privileges.
  20. it is sick because adults are taking advantage of children. it may have been acceptable in the past but at least in that respect we as a western culture have evolved. i would suggest it is an area that japan needs some work on. don't try to condone sex with minors. you are going to lose.
  21. none of us choose to use it either. it has gone bankrupt a few times in the last two decades, and the government is being far more frugal with its subsidies. that being the case, on january 19, 2007, the airline was voted "Best Airline in North America". i find that hard to believe. and if it is true, what does that say about the rest of the fleets?
  22. Quote: Originally posted by brit-gob: Got to wonder why someone would want to do that job anyway. It must be thankless as well as tiring and dirty. Does it pay well? in many places a job with an airlines is the best thing a woman can hope for. for instance in thailand practically every high school and university girl wants to work for royal thai airways. and for all accounts it is a pretty fabulous job when you compare it to working at a market stall. it pays well, it is salaried, it offers a lucrative benefits package, it provides an opportunity for travel that is only available to hand
  23. Quote: Originally posted by Mantas: What happened to the hot saucy wenches that used to ply the Airways?? Oh.... bring back the good ol days they are the same saucy wenches that plied the airways in the good old days. it's called unionized labor. on one hand this is a good thing. realistically these women shouldn't be let go simply because they have aged. but on the other hand, they should still have to offer at least a semblance quality service. after my last trip with Air Canada (quite literally) i felt as though my buying a ticket was the worst offense i could have ever comm
  24. nice try man. the wapta is a special place. a potentially terrible place as well. too bad you didn't make it to Scott Duncan. but glad to here you didn't have to emergency bivy out there! for all the reports of a massive season, things looked a little bare in many places. running water in "the death trap"? yikes.
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