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Everything posted by HeatherLocklearRocks

  1. This ones funny, the lady reminds me of one of my mums friends. http://www.whowantsabalti.com/acevids/bored-passenger.wmv
  2. You can easy get rid of those types by taking them on a few "no cost" dates - see how they take it!
  3. ...but better than what I heard they put in curry back home: Cook's fingernail, skin mixed with school lunch KOFU -- The fingernail and skin of a cook was mixed with lunch served at a prefectural school for handicapped children, it was learned Wednesday. The Yamanashi prefectural medical and welfare center that makes school lunches failed to disclose the incident. "The cook was not infected with any disease. Moreover, we deemed that if we disclosed the incident, it would take a long time to regain the public's trust in school lunches," an official of the center said. "
  4. That one on the left is still a fairly meaty, don't you think. Of course, not in the "class" of the lady on the right.
  5. Look. Is this the start of something big? -- Body tries to roll back sea of katakana words Yomiuri Shimbun The National Institute for Japanese Language has proposed a list of 33 Japanese terms as replacements for 33 katakana loanwords--mostly English--that are routinely used in government documents and by the media, but that are little understood by the public. The institute also said that for the first time it had given up trying to come up with new Japanese terms for four words after scratching its head over them for the past year. When loanwords words are
  6. Those homo sausages ( ) are gross. Disgusting things (and not just the name or implication either!)
  7. Eat. I worked today but it was a most unproductive day, I just can't be arsed recently. I have serious motivation problems at the moment.
  8. I like it, it brightens the day up. Such happy gasoline stand people!!
  9. Cant he be lobbed off coz he aint got a ticket? Do they do monthly tickets on the Yamanote?
  10. I dont like any raw fish. I really wish I did, because then all the tiresome "yappari gaijin dont eat raw fish" comments would disappear. (Although I suppose they might be replaced by "bikkuri!" comments...)
  11. I'd go for a "defective color" one any day. He's so cute
  12. I think you might be, spud-san There are people who are obviously gay the way they talk and behave (do they put that on, if not why do they get that "gay accent"?) - but some people who you really really can't tell. There was a guy at college who kept it to himself, no-one would EVER have guessed he was not straight.
  13. That sounds real cheap - where abouts you flying to? I'm travelling to LA in early April and getting quotes of around 70000 now.
  14. But you still buy him some right, coz giri can't be turned on and off at will. I think he really wants the chocco.
  15. So girls, how many choccos are you going to be buying: a) "real" ones for people you want (surely just the 1) giri choco for smelly ojisans who you feel giri for (or don't as the case probably is).
  16. Thats one thing about Heather - she ages so well.. But seriously, I'm feeling younger now than when I was back at college (I think that has something to do with partying too hard)
  17. Fantastic idea, good stuff. I really enjoy watching people - something to aim for, way way better than me.
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