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Everything posted by Siren

  1. Isn't it obvious that the incident was engineered so that (a) her bored producer can get rid of her and get someone new in and ( she has a face-saving 'resignation'?
  2. Quote: what's it going to be like when the Big Earthquake hits Tokyo and they won't have the ambulances and the Super Rescue Team and the helicopters, and everything's on fire...? Then there is nothing to worry about, isn't it? There is not much you can do in those situations.
  3. In today's Financial Times: "Livedoor's shares are 23% below the Y455 they were trading at when it launched its bid for NBS in early February. Its shareholders are also being substantially diluted by the convertible bond Livedoor raised to fund the takeover and the new shares to be issued to Fuji TV."
  4. Quote: So who won then really? Him, obviously (didn't he manage to talk himself out of a disaster with no punishment)? NBC shares are (or will be) safely returned. Fuji is relieved. He was given a face-saving promise of business co-operation for giving up the shares. The bridge financiers made some money and (surely) the 'White Knight' got something for putting the frightener on him. Happy ending, don't you think? Did I forget to say something about shareholder value or 'businessman of the future'?
  5. Now you tell me why would someone watch an beach-front kiosk.
  6. http://www.nikkei.co.jp/news/main/20050331AT2E3001H30032005.html Offering a detente now. Could defeat be far?
  7. Quote: the guys at the Fuji and others can't handle it Haven't you heard about Fuji unleashing their own (actually Softbank Finance) bad boy - the 'famous' Kitao (with a even bigger mouth and worse attitude problem)? Our boy had to cancel a meeting with K apparently being told that there was nothing to talk about. Our boy was basically told that this is an 'adult' (money) game and he still has a lot to learn (if he wants to play). I feel sorry for him.
  8. Lehman's holding has risen to 33% because of the fall of Livedoor share price. (http://it.nikkei.co.jp/it/newssp/fuji_vs_livedoor.cfm ) Creation of shareholders' value (by the destruction of existing shareholders' value)? http://money.cnn.com/services/tickerheadlines/for5/200503090246DOWJONESDJONLINE000437_FORTUNE5.htm You can put two and two together.
  9. Code: Irritating little punks, aren't they?
  10. As in a medical doctor? Probably not that many doctors that understand how PIPE (private investment public equity) works.
  11. Just saw Plucky's "Americans Can't Ski" video - it was so funny. Excellent job, Plucky! Fattwin - did you have the video camera attached to your head?
  12. This is just getting interesting. According to FT yesterday, the “death spiral convertibles” issued to fund the purchase of NBS shares are having effect and Livedoor shares are down 31% since it started buying NBS on 8 February. Now that is creating shareholder value!
  13. What's the latest (been away for a few days)? Is it time to short the Livedoor shares yet?
  14. I don’t blame you if you think he is doing it for the shareholders. Who isn’t these days? (But "future Asian businessman? ) It takes much more than a few ‘tactical’ (coached) raids on the market (and nothing is for free of course) to ‘teach the old guys a lesson’. But the share price did bounce back so maybe miracle does happen once in a while.
  15. Let's see if he is really that smart or his bridge financier will be the biggest winner. Let's hope also that he does not have to explain to his shareholders at the end of the day (remember it is not just his money).
  16. DB, I am sorry. If only I knew some of the things that happened to you I wouldn't have said some of the things I said.
  17. And of course the choice of avatar and name is just a coincidence.
  18. Quote: I do it for myself. Expressing your view in a public forum is a kind of 'posing', don't you think?
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