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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by minus

  1. And my Dad always said how lyrics used to be better!
  2. Can you look into re-instating the reprots though please? Thanks. I can't remember seeing them, but they sound great.
  3. Think I might prefer "Jaws" though.
  4. I have issues with Mavericks. I have a Thunderbolt display attached to my iMac as a second display and it flickers a lot. Disconnected it until a fix is provided.
  5. Whats the view like FROM the temple. I never see that. I only ever see the view of the temple like in photo above.
  6. How far out do you think they need to get out Chriselle? 20km? 30km? 40km? Muzukashii desu ne.
  7. I like the 'Japan size' sticker that you often see on goggles here.
  8. Should see the shoji in the house next to me. Stained, ripped, soggy.... looks dreadful. But I do like them too, though none in my place.
  9. Samosas, bhajis, poppadoms and sauces. Thats all you need at an Indian.
  10. Hey, when is my salary going to go up?
  11. Kagura: 27 Maiko Snow Resort: 16 Muikamachi Hakkaisan: 8 (-) Naeba: 16 (+)
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