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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by mikazooki

  1. i would like to take this opportunity to officially resign from society.
  2. undecided, but possibly off. will be up the following weekend for sure
  3. but if a byte was a bob what would a bit be?
  4. but the poll was biased due to the crapness of the alternative choices. u needed to have a nomination process. the people have spoken without direction
  5. and up to 20 degrees this week in nagoya, and double figures in the mountains. t'was the last of the powder out here yesterday, methinks. but a nice last day it was.
  6. i vote none of the above i also like the trespassing idea... Snow Japan - Trespassers will be prosecuted Snow Japan - No Ducking Allowed Snow Japan - Duck Off Snow Japan - Snow Poisoning (nicer ring) Snow Japan- Know anyone who's sellin? coz they's gots to know we r bad...bad bad-really, really bad...or Snow Japan - Bad then everyone will be down with our street cred!
  7. if u get a puppy the language will be no problems.
  8. more than the length of time they have been in use
  9. congrats ocean, u have safely managed to identify the concept known as tolerance. those who drink then drive on a regular basis are far more skilled than those who rarely drink and drive. its an aquired ability. u have to aquire it by practising under those conditions. alcohol will still dull your reaction times. and your ability to not drive into the curb does not equate to your ability to avoid the unexpected (however infrequent this might be).
  10. perhaps skinny people should be allowed more luggage.
  11. thats terrible advice. no one wants to read about u beating off.
  12. and if things work out, u could start a journal thread on the forum. tanoshimi
  13. ouch, my date seems a bit raw, from the excessive rogering i appear to be getting. i get 10 days a year plus national hols. sweet fanny adams. but i should be packin in soon. i've never used all my holidays doing any job, cos the money is more important. its gotta carry me thru the in between times. it is becoming increasingly apparent that the reason everyone else has more money than me is because they keep on truckin.
  14. i get 400 yen a day cos i ride my bike to work, and get to pocket my transport money. this money is totally tax free, and i can spend it on whatever i want. its great when u can squeeze money passed the govt.
  15. the kind fellows at the Aus Consulate will certify copies for the meager fee of 2400yen each PAGE. the consular kindly offered to group multiple (2) page doc as one document as a favour to me. unfortunately i neglected to get multiple copies of my passport signed (additional copies on the day are only 160yen) so will be up for another robbing when i will soon have to go back. not a bad way to earn a bit of cash for a signature. [although a long list of people are qualified in my home country to certify copies, in japan only the consular is able to do such arduous work]
  16. yo, i'm sure sandy would resent his exclusion... he was a top pro celebrity ping pong player!
  17. praps u missed the kirin joke....the mongolia bit was a tag gag.
  18. bin there dun that. m'mate was ditched shortly later tho, so now we are pals. them brain chemicals get all muddly in cases like this, just ride it and see. que sera sera.
  19. when y'off danz? i should really start making plans now. me bike being stolen has reduced the amount of stuff i need shipping, so i guess thats a plus. my stuff will also need to go into storage when it arrives , so thats something i need to consider.
  20. just to be clear... the stolen generations refers to the policy of australian governments removing part aboriginal children from there parents. this occurred from the late 19th century until the late (?)1960's, and some say early 70's. this is not 100's of years before u were born. the act of reconciliation invloves more than just an apology, but the apology is important, cos it accepts the errors of the past. i am not sure of the legal implications of a govt sorry, and i don't 'blame' johny howard for the acts of our 'forefathers' but the recognition of the wrongs done and an off
  21. perhaps u could try both, and use the 'officially deceased' line as a backup.
  22. oh, and a further note...this ward tax was payable after i left japan (i didn't skip out on it as such). i returned to japan after 12 months...if i was able to provide proof i was working (and not just travelling or living large ) outside of japan for that 12 months, they would have scrapped the bill.
  23. i'm slowly paying back ward tax owed from 3 years ago in a different ward. the new ward i live in hasn't bothered me in the slightest for it (gaijin card no problems). although someone at some stage let slip to the original ward in question that i was back in the country (?national tax guys). they pursued me on a monthly basis (house visits) till we worked out a payback scheme. but the amount owing was substantially less than 'your friend' (¥30,000), so who knows what he will face.
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