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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by Dims

  1. The word on the street from my fellow botantists is that it smells like rotting eggs or flesh, which makes sense because I think it is polinated by flies and/or carrion beetles. Although I am not sure where these people have smelt rotting flesh before. Makes my wonder about some of my friends....... This biggun' is called Amorphophallus titanum and only flowers a couple of times in 40 years. So whoever named it had a sense of humour and was also impressed with its........size
  2. Bridging is really good, chin-ups are great but really hard, especially wide grip ones. Like indo said, sets of 20 push-ups, varied angle gives strength and a pretty big chest. I was looking but no chin-up place in my new house
  3. And the cheeky new avatar. As likeable as Mr gonads
  4. I recently married my lovely lady and it has been a bit of a change sharing the money. We used to do it like you guzzler, but now are living off my income. Just takes a bit of getting used to I guess.
  5. For good advice on where to draw the line in regards to party-time hair removal see my sig. Peanut-buttering people's arse crack is also not recommended, especially if they are bigger than you and have studied the fine art of boxing (woah, the thread has really gone to the dogs)
  6. Bikram yoga Furm, good stuff. I heard that really sheds the pounds, also known lately as hot yoga. Fairly active and dynamic poses yeah? I'm interested. Just don't cone up after the yoga session
  7. I have the feeling he might be.... Glad you liked the pic, I was going to post it but work got in the way (Damn work).
  8. Well I know a fair few that do unfortunately. And this is in a fairly liberal country. Go to latin or south america and some take it very seriously. Yes that is my point, A+ for critcal analysis. I think they are partly responsible, and many agree with me. I am already relaxed thanks, how about you. Note the laughing smiley and take a deep breath. Still haven't answered my question though, why would the Vatican be expected to pay for birth control in Africa? Lifting the ban would be enough.
  9. Quote: Originally posted by Furm: Is it just because the third world wants Vatican money to pay for birth control? Maybe huh? Keep it up Furm, I am not sure where you come up with these gems The point is that the Catholic faith is, and has always been controlled by guilt. Despite you knowing so-called strict catholics that use birth control, the offical line is that it is a sin and your friends would probably be in the minority. The vast majority of strict catholics are opposed to contraception simply because the church has banned it. I care about the Church's stance on this an
  10. Quote: Originally posted by rach: I could not be perkier. We are talking about push ups, not push up bras
  11. Quote: Originally posted by 34 guests: Quote: Originally posted by Dims: The Blues Brothers is another one. Watched it so many times I knew all the dialogue of by heart. You fvcking loser! So much for being one of my mates. Good thing you never quoted it around me as it irritates me only slightly less than guys that know Top Gun off by heart. Morning of the Earth is a surf movie I will never get tired of seeing. Woah! Harsh! Morning of the earth hey, that would explain those plaits in your armpit hair and that tie-dye mu-mu you keep wearing, Hippy! That cutback
  12. Furm, it seems to me that at least in my living memory, there has never been a US administration this divisive. Not only is the country split right down the middle, but the majority of the world simply loathes US foriegn policy, and realises that the invasion was carried out under false pretenses. And have you seen the latest budget and balance of trade figures Talk to many people from other countries when you travel and you realise there is an amazing amount of hatred for america right now.This was not the case only a short time ago, especially in the wake of 9/11. Surely the mark
  13. Well yeah it is. I used to commute to work, work in the lab for 6-8 hours listening to the pod, then commute home again. That's 8-10 hours easy. Also it's handy if you forget to charge it at night, or you are without your charger. Believe me it's handy.
  14. That was a very colourful description of a fun night out. I can nearly feel the hang-over myself. Those small corner bars are a national treasure, as are the frolicksome girls with a leg stroking fetish.
  15. Not sure about those harry-high-pants bikini bottoms Miss 14!
  16. Yeah the shining is a classic, saw it last week. The casting in that movie is great. Jack's wife just has the perfect freaky, timid face for all that running around in terror. The scene with Danny riding the trike is great, especially the sound effects and the weird looking twin girls. A bit more editing may not have gone astray though.
  17. The Blues Brothers is another one. Watched it so many times I knew all the dialogue of by heart.
  18. Well the saga of my dPod continues. Last night I attempted to change the battery on the pod myself and despite a great deal of difficulty getting the damn back cover of the thing and a great deal of strong language I managed to di it. Once you get the cover off it the rest is fairly easy. Pleased to say it happily charged up and is cranking again. So I've gone from a crying complaining loser (Thanks humansoup) to a winner, now able to just chill and enjoy my sounds because my iPod works again. Happy days Indo, how does XP run on your Mac using PC emulator, pretty slow?
  19. Winners, Shminners! Make a battery that lasts a bit longer and costs less you evil money-grabbers
  20. A for prince joshnii, he is now doing really catchy mormon jazz/funk fusion. Some of it is actually really good. I think it's prince and the rainbow children but I could be wrong. Aparently his dad was a full-on mormon and Prince promised him before he died he would convert. His dad died and he funked over to the dark side Just think this from a man who had peaches and cream, goddamn they were hot! I guess he has had his fill of sex and drugs. Anyway, despites how it sounds I think his new stuff is pretty good. Give it a go, although it does get very preachy including a booming God-
  21. And the guilt trips from co-workers! I had to sit a few of them down and say "look, I'm not Japanese, I'm australian. I'll work by my rules when it comes to holidays and that means at leasttwo weeks holiday in a solid block. If you don't like it tough. Now go home and make love to your wives, they are gagging for it" (OK I made the last bit up)
  22. Furm, let me get this straight, are you are comparing G.W Bush's actions in Iraq to Lincoln's efforts to abolish slavery in the south? With a straight face?
  23. Ahhh man that brings back some good memories! And Hark!........it's BACK The 2nd most fun you will have sitting down
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