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Everything posted by neversummer

  1. I could do with a coffee now. It is difficult to find a good one here in Niseko.
  2. Gary, snow-forecast is crap for predicting. They are a global prediction tool that gets it correct 10% of the time. 2 weeks ago, we had continuous snow for a week, about 80cm in the village and they were 'forecasting' 1-3cm per night. When I lived in France they could never get it right either...predicting snow and then it would be sunny. Their maps section on past data is good but local weather companies are much better IMHO.
  3. It is absolutely horrible in Niseko at the moment. It has been raining all day and it is like a skating rink in many places; slush pit in others; it is better to be inside today that is for sure.
  4. There are plenty of other threads about this but the best way to go about it is to choose your area, then go to the accommodation section on the SJ site, decide if you want budget, Japanese, western, luxury etc and contact people via their details which are halfway down the page. Yes there are medium term options available, easy to find??? I can only speak for Niseko which is not where you are interested in. Prices depend on the the above variables. In Niseko, the cheapest would be 60,000yen per month for 1 person, the most expensive 5,000,000yen plus for 10 people. I know there
  5. Nice one Luke. That is what I am talking about. A real indication of just how much and what the snow is like.
  6. I find it hilarious that all these 'face shots', in this thread and others, are taken right in front of the photographer. FT, it looks like that is a drop of the hip , almost a 'quick stop in powder' shot, who ever it is looks to be going perpendicular to the fall line. Too all the photographers, I'm all for the shots, keep them coming but how about giving everyone who gives you props a true account of the action. There are some really good examples in the 06/07 Habuka review FT wrote..very nice read by the way. Niseko had it's first bluebird day today although it has ligh
  7. I think we will beat Inter and Arsenal will do the double on AC. What a riot it would be to be in Milan on the night, pardon the pun.
  8. GN you lucky bastard!! I too will be working on Xmas day! It seems recently that I don't even know what day of the week it is.
  9. There is nothing worse than having to listen to fingers pushing buttoms, then either getting the dititditdiidit or the virbo sound everytime someone gets a new message. On the plane, leave it alone. Once the texts are approved, it will beocome phones and then it will be just downright choas listening to everyones conversations, noit being able to hear yours (if using it), people feeling they have to speak louder to be heard etc. I know I can put headphones on or people can turn the phones to silent but it is just annoying to have to put up with it on all other forms of transport and this
  10. I think about 8 man but that translates into only 20 days so a lot of people who come for a month will still buy a seasons pass.
  11. I have to buy a season ticket for the whole mountain (Niseko) but if you have a pension up here they will give you a hirafu pass for 5 man, not bad but when Hirafu gets cranking during Janustralia, it is better to head over to Higashi and Annapuri.
  12. I don't have one! Can SJ send me a few and I can pump them around here.
  13. No hockey here JLP, hockey is for pussies with pads. You should definitely try the nighta in Hirafu again, lots of pow today it will be awesome tonight. 1-0 Sens
  14. Downtown cafe, on the opposite corner to Seicomart, next to the traffic lights has an internet cafe. Not sure if anywhere else does but I am sure there would be.
  15. cirrus, meastro, plus, and a lot of other signs that can be used.
  16. The 7/11's in Kutchan also have ATM's that accept foreign cards. Where were you the other night projectsplat?
  17. It's still hidden Rhino. escondido! Maybe take a day trip to Rusutsu from Niseko. Lots of companies organise it and it is a similar size to Niseko but without the crowds; also without the accommodation options, restaurants, transport facilities etc.
  18. Not sure Pietro, but there will definitely be places as TM is really popular here and the standard is very good. If your wife wants lessons then that would be possible too as there are lots of TM instructors around also. Your accommodation provider should be able to help you when you get here to recommend someone.
  19. Splat, Best Denki has them in kutchan, maybe hard to find but I bought a couple 2 weeks ago. 700 yen, walk in the door, maybe 3 or 4 rows in turn right, look down and back towards the front door. They are near the bottom but look nothing like the Korji?? one's that we get at home. Alternatively, you can buy a new power lead that plugs into you power box (PC only though) which is a bit more expensive but will do the same thing. Good luck, maybe going to Bills for a beer tonight if you are around.
  20. 686 Smarty Uzi. Can not fault these. Removable fleece inner pants for spring conditions, inner leg vents, boa compatible, 15k/10k waterproof / breathability, plus all the standard issues. By far the best pants I've ever had!
  21. it is hard to remember exactly how long you have been riding when you are having fun. I thought about it for a while but figured that if the riding was good, and I was all worried about getting to the lift just to make it before the next hour comes up, then maybe I wouldn't enjoy the riding as much. It makes sense if you are going to do half days and eat on the mountain then cruise home like Mamabear said but convenience is the key.
  22. It was awesome this morning!! Snow was very light from 500 up but still a little sticky below that and from 8.30 to 9.30 there was hardly anyone around so it was really just pick your spot and go for it. Amazingly, the sun came out for about 5 minute and the mountain looks amazing. It also allowed those lucky enough to be on the lift to scope out lines that otherwise would have been only found through trial and error. There is still a bit of light snow coming down at the moment so again, once the Sunday crowd head home, it will be fantastic tomorrow.
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