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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by guzzlers-baps

  1. Lloyd Cole and the Commotions A bit of a blast from the past, used to really like them. http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0002XME8Q/ref=amb_asin-coop-1_127701/026-0765721-6995638
  2. Just what all ipod users needed....a laser beam Ipod BEAM. Just what was needed. http://griffintechnology.com/products/ibeam/
  3. The general public - anyone. You can vote too. I've only seen 4 of those bottom ones.
  4. Just look at the picture of those lovely prostitutes football team http://www.sky.com/skynews/article/0,,30000-13228600,00.html What do you think guys?
  5. He sure does suit a suit. Sexy beast.
  6. Quote: Most girl now drink out of bottles and keep there thumb over the end.If they have to leave it for some reason when they come back they don,t touch it and buy fresh Sad....and scary.
  7. And why do these Japanese ladies apparently "stop shagging" after having kids?
  8. I have just spend nearly 40 minutes at the bank. It wasn't anything difficult that I needed doing just to make a payment thats all. It's busy so I had to wait a while to get to the counter and when I did the lady took everything and told me to wait. And wait I did. While I was sat there waiting for her to get to work on my stuff, more than 10 other people went up to her and offloaded their documents or whatever So basically she had almost no chance of getting any work done at all. That really bugs me about the banks here - I wish they would just deal with one person at
  9. I don't notice that much of a difference. Perhaps mine is medium thickness.
  10. About to get back to reality in June next year, going back to the UK. Unless my employer can entice me with a big upgrade.
  11. That does look good - whats the name of the place?
  12. ..pay for sex at least once a month? Thats just what I saw on a documentary. Surely no?
  13. Why do we only get to see these on the web, not on the tv? Are they "blocked" from tv viewers or something.._
  14. I wish I could get away with less sleep as well but I just feel awful when I go without lots of sleep. I don't know how these people can do with so little.
  15. We also misidentified quite a few Chinese people as Japanese, which suggests that Chinese fashion sense is catching up a bit >>> very observant!
  16. I've met echineko. By accident actually. (I'm female - so is she)
  17. I've met echineko. By accident actually. (I'm female)
  18. Surely cals post was with just a touch of sarcasm / wit anyway....
  19. Testosterone fuelled thread. Makes for fun reading at a distance.
  20. I highly recommend that you go into this - I had an amazing time finding out about my family history and who they all were.
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