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Everything posted by nekobi

  1. 30 in nagano yesterday!! and in the span of the day, the sakura went from a few buds to full bloom.
  2. yesterday it got up to 30 in nagano. two weeks ago it was snowing. crazy!
  3. I'm a longtime birk lover- i'm embarassed by how many pairs i own. you really cant beat the comfort. and they are so convenient here with the slip-on styles. I've worn my bostons so much, i had to get the soles replaced. they are seriously the best shoes ever!!
  4. nope. zwelgen's got dark hair. makes the bino eyes even more so dramatic
  5. forgot to add... last year i saw three guys dressed as bowling pins. what was weirder was that i saw them at a rave dressed the same way a few months before.
  6. Quote: Originally posted by Fattwins: Meeting men dressed a farm animals. hey- i saw them too! also saw a guy boarding in a santa outfit (this was in february), one in ninja clothes, another in a business suit. but i think the cleverest costume goes to a dude who had an inflatable, life-size doll behind him, with the arms around his neck. from far away it seriously looked like a real person!
  7. i think curry rice can be good. esp when you make it at home and add pumkin and pineapple and put that pickled stuff on top. really cheap, too.
  8. speaking of megumi- anyone see her on london hearts last night? i didnt know who she was before (not a huge grabia fan). i could not believe the photos- her breasts look like bigger than her head! j girls are so small (body wise), so what do you men think of outrageously large, obviously implants on these girls?
  9. he wasnt sleazy at all! seriously, he was helping me out.
  10. you need some more categories for the voting. i agree it's gross for people to smoke when you are eating, but a bar is different. i don't smoke anymore, but when i did it, was mostly when i was drinking. drinking totally brings out the urge to smoke and in the states, you cant just take your drink outside while you puff. but on the otherhand the laws will definitely discourage the only-when-drunk smokers...
  11. Quote: Originally posted by Ocean11: Yeah, it's really hard bringing yourself to tip any NY cabbie for the 'service' i had a great ny cabbie who really deserved his big tib. he drove me from the airport to my friend's apt. i had just arrived from japan with had 2 heavy bags which he helped me carry. when i got to the apt it was around 10 at night. it was the kinda neighborhood you wouldnt want to hang around in, especially as a femail alone with luggage. no one answered the buzzer and the cabbie let me use his phone to try to contact my friend and offered to wait around with me for hi
  12. so i always see dogs in japan wearing coats and/or hats. my favorite is a nice burberry jumper. i haven't seen any cats about all dressed up, but maybe soon according to this.
  13. i once passed my neighbor taking a piss outside at 4 in the afternoon! it was after school, so kids were walking home and probably saw him, too. if you are going to do it, i think its fine in an ally or something. i'd do it there too. but not out in front of people- gross!
  14. this kinda reminds of that hbo series taxicab confessions. anyone seen it? hidden cameras record interesting cab rides, where usually the cabbie and rider have a heart-to-heart. really good show.
  15. yeah, vids seem to squash the image in your mind of what you did. last time zwelgen and i went to happo, we were doing jumps and it felt like we were getting loads of air- well, for us anyways. but it didn't look so impressive on the video.
  16. theyre coming soon zwelgen, finally some buds in my town. but i'm stilling using my heaters at night and always the kotatsu.
  17. i had one cabbie who was pretty laid back considering how my friends and i were behaving. we had very vague directions to my friend's house. we had to stop at 7-11 as my friend started puking all over himself and the backseat. after that little break, we got continued to wander the outskirts of the city before finally asking him to return us to where we started. i guess he couldnt really complain about the mess with the 5000yen fare.
  18. what about the 10 minute break every hour!?!? i usually need at least an hour to do the workout i want, but i can only get 50 minutes in at a time. EVERYONE must get out of the pool. so crazy. luckily, my school has an outdoor pool. so in the summer, i can use it after i finish classes. it was so nice last summer- can't wait for it to open this year.
  19. karnidge- zwelgen speaks the truth. plus, i havent met many j guys in nags who speak english, and my nihongo is lacking. the decent, single, english-speaking ones i have met now live in the US or tokyo
  20. Quote: Originally posted by kamoshika: nah sneakers rule! yeah, i love my sneaks, always wear them dancing, but they just dont always look so great with a skirt. thats where the cute shoes come in.
  21. had one. after a weekend in tokyo, i've realized the j dudes in naggers are way different. don't think i'll get another living here.
  22. definitely. for nozawa it works out that i paid about 2500 for each time i went. and the pass was used way more times by other people.
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