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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by kkk

  1. But only two might not be too bad, hey?
  2. Out of interest, Mitch, do you eat beef? Atleast cows are able to walk in the open back home. Here they seem to often just live chained up in huts. There are exceptions of course including the ones that drink beer etc. (Do they get drunk?)
  3. Does it cost us money? Do we get a free day off work? How far do we need to travel to get there? etc
  4. ノーコメントãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚ I have recently heard a few politicians use this phrase. Basically translaters as "no comment" "there is". I suppose it comes out as sounding strange in Japanese because of the katakana English plus the positive arimasu. Just sounds really strange. That's all!
  5. It's not really difficult spotting though is it, with the trains always on time. Rather predictable. If it was in the UK, then perhaps more difficult.
  6. Exile. And "band" where the dancing and clothes are more important than the songs/music.
  7. 3rd woman claims affair with Tiger Woods. Sorry, latest breaking.... 4th woman claims affair with Tiger Woods. Make that 5th woman. Oh, and one more.
  8. Not sure about the BB King thing Good news this week, she's moving on to a different office from January.
  9. Recently broke up with my girlfriend of a couple of years. Pretty hard breakup and making it more difficult because we work together. Anyone here ever be good friend with ex-es. Perhaps it's just not going to happen.
  10. Andre Agassi, the former Wimbledon champion, has admitted the long lion-mane hairstyle he wore during the 1990s was actually a wig.
  11. I find a season pass restricts my plans and I don't go anywhere near enough to do that. Enjoy going to lots of different places. Would be interesting to know how many they sell.
  12. Yes same here. I wish I hadn't seen that now, spoils the memory. Rez is like a modern day equivelant - and far better.
  13. Make sure you try it. Outdoor onsen with snow falling around you are awesome.
  14. Yes I saw that on the news. Lets beer.
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