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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by hide

  1. I know what you mean akibun. Getting invited to wedding here can become really expensive
  2. Hayfever is getting me down this year a lot.
  3. I am interested in it also, but don't know enough. Can you play with people overseas also? What about the games, in different language or not??
  4. Snow was getting heavy this weekend, good for the thighs
  5. My friend says he read the English version but it was a bit boring.
  6. That is very strange - was he real old guy? He should be reported.
  7. I am about same, sometimes earlier but when company is busy I sometimes work until late at night.
  8. It melts very fast from now on as sunny days increase and warm weather.
  9. I don't like it when I see parents taking out the kids just out of nappees. I think it is too early, and the kids don't seem to be enjoying it. Things like snowboarding or skiing is all about fun, and I think iti should stay as that.
  10. My friend who work at sports shop usually help me out with quick tune up at end of season too. But I will be doing for another 5 weeks or so, so NOT YET!
  11. In Japan, snow does melt very fast as the weather change so quicky from cold to hot. As you know, in many area comfortable spring weather last very short time
  12. My friends and I may be going there. We will say "hi" if we see you.
  13. Some Japanese find them cute? I don't like it myself, but I wonder what you think about it? Cute or not?
  14. I think you mean people take so much time! Yes, I always wonder what some people are doing there, they take soooo long to do the ATM.
  15. Hello. I was watching a documentary on the TV last weekend and they talked about country music (ie the American kind??!). I really don't like the sounds of it, and just wonder is it really popular and mainstream or what? Thanks hide
  16. check this: http://www.skijapanguide.com/cgi-bin/ubbcgi/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=8;t=000450
  17. Where do you go? I will be in Gunma hopefully Tenjindaira and Kawaba or Houdaigi.
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