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Everything posted by HoTRoD

  1. One time I was doing 6 a day. Too much. On about 3 or 4 now. Apart from Friday when it's two.
  2. I don't understand the last few posts. Back to yummy stuff: cold ramen as I call it. I'm sure there's a proper name.
  3. - itsuka nomi ni ikimasho! * * only say this to someone you dislike and absolutely would not want to go drinking with
  4. pie-eater did mention that, but they do go together yes. - kawaii
  5. I think that is an extremely bad idea.
  6. The owners were a company called Arai Resort Management or something, but they went bust. I think the honour goes to the local govt now, not a private company.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbhASsWw9es
  8. Retirement 'harmful to health', study says
  9. planning 5 weeks out of Japan starting md July. Sounds like a plan to me!
  10. I have 13 things plugged into 4 sockets in my main room!
  11. Any good recommendations for laser printers?
  12. I'm probably desensitised to this having grown up on CDs.... why?
  13. I can take any amount of spicyness and hotness. An extra strong vindaloo please!
  14. all still here then. I really shouldn't have sent that nasty email to my boss last week!
  15. I'll take totally uncrowded slopes over crowded any day myself. I just hate crowds. I'll even sacrifice snow quality if I need to.
  16. This. I would never recommend March for someone coming from overseas just to slide on the snow. It's just too much of a risk.
  17. Is this nearer to Hakuba or Myoko, or basically in the middle but a bit far from each?
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