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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by HoTRoD

  1. Sounds great, take in the views for a bit before the action starts.
  2. Are resorts starting to get the lifts out and put them up there on the cables yet?
  3. I want to go as quickly as possible, but realistically it'll be second half of December.
  4. Do you expect them to give you a discount when a lift isnt moving because of winds? Dream on matey.
  5. I was just looking at the most snow in 1 night thread and thought this might be interesting to hear from any of you guys living out in the snow country. If like there's a meter of snow overnight, how do the towns cope with that? Surely the're prepared and all for lots of snow, but what happens when there's just too much of the stuff falling down? Thanks rod
  6. Ha. The most snow I have seen in 1 day falling is about 40cm. I've heard the stories of over a meter overnight and just can't imagie how towns cope with that much snow all at once.
  7. At least 3 weekends a month in the main season. That's the goal anyways.
  8. 3 weeks leading up to 17th Dec. Choice will be limited, it really depends on the weather (of course) of the season. I wouldn't expect too many toys to play with though.
  9. Nippon always seems to be the way they revert to in competitions, patriotic feelings etc. It would be interesting to read that article.
  10. What is the situation? Are there any tickets available if we turn up at the stadium? Anyone know??
  11. I've noticed a lot of rubbish articles that have had loads of mistakes in them, concerning Japan. 'S'pose it's to be expected.
  12. I get WOWOW and I dont have cable. I just have a BS dish.
  13. I think it is. Although that might be a refreshing change, compared to the boredom and averageness of the big names last year (Oasis et al)
  14. I'm feel as though summats missing in the summer months too. Basically I seem to spend that time just surviving in the heat and taking showers. !
  15. I like Fukuoka. Got some mates down there.
  16. I spend far too much time looking at my collection of fave sites. I've only just signed up and posted on here for the first time now, even though I've been reading the thing often over the last season. Perhaps a big mistake, meaning I might be on here much more than before. Anyone else feel they are "using" the internet too much? Anything to wean me off before it gets worse? R [This message has been edited by HoTRoD (edited 11 May 2002).]
  17. Snowboarding for 2 seasons. First one in Japan just finished, just went out 5 times. I'm hoping to get much more in next season.
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