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Everything posted by HoTRoD

  1. I used it once or twice on winter, but not much
  2. I often wonder what the people culling the sharks etc are thinking about their actions. Do they just shut out the arguments and get on with it because that is how they have made their living for however long. Do they not sleep at night sometimes thinking they are morally wrong or do they just think that are 100% good. Pigeons, cats, dogs, horses, whales, sharks. All pretty much the same to me. Living creatures and I could not willingly be cruel to them and I dislike seeing things that are.
  3. Exactly. And being one without a towel will bring even more.
  4. I cover. Not into bringing attention to myself.
  5. Probably a bit too late, but anyone going to see some snow this weekend? I'm thinking about checking out Shiga Kogen.
  6. Into the wild is great isn't it joshnii. I was impressed with that one. Saw The Departed last night which was pretty good.
  7. Anyone know of any shops in Tokyo that sell "virtual bubble wrap" (or puchi-puchi virtual bubble wrap as I think it is called, by bandai). An essential purchase I believe.
  8. Skype works sometimes, but it seems some numbers just don't like it (don't accept it??) Worth a try though.
  9. Fantastic. I really do want to go there. What was the snow like?
  10. That must be great. Were you on a climbing holiday there GoNative?
  11. I know how you feel. When it gets so long you wonder if anyone will ever answer and if you are just on hold forever.
  12. Things like the waste being separated is good here I think but they are quite excessive with the bags at the local suupa. I always take my own. This isn't just Japan but the packaging on some things is just disgusting. The other day we had a box of cookies. Each tiny cookie was in it's own 2 lots of wrapping, then they were placed in a tray like thing made of plastic, then in a box. The shop put them in the bag. The cookies were gone in less than 2 minutes, the packaging in the bin.
  13. Surely then people would be better getting a Blu-Ray player - and be futureproof. Or a PS3 which is cheaper than lots of Blu-Ray players and just as good from what I have read.
  14. I guess there are a fair few resorts themselves who do not know even know about this site and how much they 'owe' it for all the publicity they get and the way this place has really opened up Japan winter sports to the world. Keep it up SJ folk.
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