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Everything posted by Mudguts

  1. Bushpig. In regards to the Bush aren't you mistaking charisma for unrivaled arrogance? And his little sheriff for "paranoid someones gonna invade Oz so we need someone to back us up syndrome" Manic paranoia doesn't= charisma. To answer the question I think Hugh Grant has the most take the piss in a funny way charisma and Robin Williams is pure humor charisma
  2. Does anyone know of a bar/club in Tokyo that plays strictly rock music? After the Rolling Stone in Shinjuku closed down this year I've not found another place that plays rock/alternative/metal. Cheers
  3. I agree about the Queenslander ADHD jibe
  4. Early March in Hakuba isn't any different to Jan/Feb if a low pressure is in the region. Regardless the snow will still be good
  5. Saw the Village last night and it was very disappointing. Actually, like everything M.Night.Shamalan has done since the Sixth Sence. What was going on with that ending in the Village? I hate watching movies that leave me without an answer. I want to know what the writer/director were thinking. Not just leave it to your imagination. But that's just me. Shamalan needs to do a movie which is in a completely different genre. I watched Stealth the other night and it wasn't bad perhaps because I watched it without any expectations
  6. Some real good tree runs at Sun Alpina. It's a family orientated place so pretty much no one goes off piste. Well worth a day mission after a dump of snow for 2500 yen
  7. Ah.......! No chance love! Although I've heard gay guys say almost that about other men.
  8. You go to Gaspanic and you're the only person in the place with grey hair.
  9. If farting and snoring are considered health problems then yes my pug is very, very sick! Seriously though I've heard that they get breathing problems when they get older but who doesn't? Pugs have a great character, don't bark much and don't need much exercise so just really good dogs to have around. I love them.
  10. Just wondering who out there in the community owns pets in Japan or otherwise? I've got a Pug named Fuji and 2 goldfish named Kuro-chan and Fatty.
  11. Don't agree about Otaru. Well worth a daytrip with awesomely cheap and delicious sushi, some good bars and decent shopping for if thats your thing
  12. Far out soobi! Mega bruising on your calves from your boots!?! I'd be looking at new boots mate as I don't think a simple change of socks is gonna cut it if it's as bad as you say. I've never seen or heard of boots doing that to someone.
  13. Agreed with the above responses. Real difficult/impossible to get teaching work very near to the slopes you mentioned. I'd say you'd have a reasonable chance to get work in Nagano city and Niigata city and a very good chance to get work in Sapporo. You'd be less than an hour away from quality skiing in those cities. I wouldn't mention in the interviews that you want to teach English just so you can go skiing either. Good luck
  14. I've gotta have mine pulled. Should I get it done in Japan or back in Oz? My misses had hers pulled in Japan in the chair with a local anesthetic! I hear that's standard in Japan and I've heard that dentistry is very good here.
  15. I'd buy in Japan for 3 reasons. Cheaper in Japan, especially in Jimbocho. Much more range in Japan and 20 times better sales and after sales service in J
  16. I use and recommend DEELUXE boots. Once I wore the first pair I'll never go back to any other brand. Massive support all the way, warm and the only boots I've ever owned that I'd say were comfortable to wear all day. Met a few pros in Niseko a few seasons back who swore they were the ducks nuts!
  17. Enderzero and Barok. I sympathize with you and the physical treatment that you got is obviously wrong but I can't help but think that the whole situation could have been avoided if you simply gave the patrol guy your pass when he asked and said sorry. I'm 99% sure he would have given your pass back to you if you were respectful and said sorry. It happened to me at Goryu and the guy was angry at me at first but I simply showed him some respect, said sorry and he gave me back my pass and said have a good day and take care.
  18. Check out how much gear spoggo has put up for sale in the snow japan classified section. He said he's selling because he updates every season. Who legitimately updates 7 boards, 4 sets of bindings and wear every season?
  19. This is a bit gross but it needs to be considered. Obese people can't wipe their ass by themselves.
  20. Awesome Vid!!!! I wish he landed the second air:It would have been the greatest performance on a snowboard ever! I bet that landing still didn't tickle
  21. Times are changing! When I got home after school I went straight to the beach for a surf or to the park to play footy or cricket. I ate fast food about once or twice a week at that time but never put on weight because I was active. Kids now get home and get straight on the computer or TV games and don't do much physical activity except twiddling their thumbs. I don't know if the consumption of fast food has increased but the lack of physical activity defineately has. It's simple. You can eat fast food till the cows come home if you wanted as long as you did enough exercise to burn it off!
  22. Stayed at Hakuba Alps Backpackers and the name of their bar is Tracks. Went there a couple of nights and it was quiet
  23. Just returned from 6 days at Hakuba. Had an awesome time mainly at Happo. My pondering is the complete lack of places to socialise, like a bar or club that attracts women. We were there over the long weekend and expected some places to at least have a few but no one anywhere. Now, I don't go boarding to find women but it was frustrating to basically not see a woman out for 6 days. Is there anywhere that at least half-rocks in Hakuba? My warning is don't go to a restaurant down the road from Goryu called Junken pon. The food is absolutely crap! Apparently I'm not the first to say this either
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