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Everything posted by klingon

  1. >> You people are more concerned with your own selfish pursuits and happiness to have the dedication, patience and committment and sacrifice to raise a family. Unbelievable. I just think some people simply do not want children, simple as that. Not because they've sat down and thought about all the selfish pursuits they want to take part in - -- - but just simply because they don't want kids. It's quite simple.
  2. Anyone been to any of the resorts around the Oze region in Gunma? I hear the snow is good there, the resorts look fairly small but.
  3. When I'm out, I just love to take some moments to enjoy the scenery and think what a wonderful time I'm having. Then go.
  4. Sounds like a lot of fun. Mr Orange should go there- bet a lot of calories burnt off in those few days. Looking forward to the second part.
  5. Has anyone else noticed how in Japan people expect everyone to want children and expect everyone to have children if they are married - and laugh at suggestings that you may feel otherwise. I know it happens everywhere, but I feel people here become very vocal about it - much more than at home.
  6. I heard a pretty name, may well fall into the cliche field - Emiri (sounds very much like Emily). It helped that the girl was fantastically pretty as well.
  7. If I had less friends and no special one, I'd really feel it.
  8. It's a bargain!! Just check this madmans aparto out.... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2325286755&ssPageName=ADME:B:LC:US:1
  9. Apart from English, a bit of Japanese and a bit of Klingon - nothing much.
  10. Those pictures truly are awesome.
  11. Hey any good tips there cheeseman - I wouldnt mind having me a good piece of cheese every once in a while.
  12. Just heard last weekend that our local sportscenter is getting a makeover before next year - complete with saunas and squash courts
  13. Anyone see The Insider, I'll be giving that a go tonight.....
  14. ME too - I gave up after about an hour of Myst and never went back to it
  15. Me too, I'll be away then. Far too hot for me to sweat out anyway.
  16. Nice one. A full month next time - surely you'll be visiting other areas then right?
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