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Everything posted by bobby12

  1. Krusty, sounds like you might be getting SHIKIKIN (returnable deposit) mixed up with REIKIN (non-returnable key money). They would have to be extremely bold (yakuza?) to tell you you are getting no shikikin back without even inspecting.
  2. Ive moved twice in the last 5 years and both times I got 100% of the shikikin (deposit) back. We are careful with how we use the house though, despite having small kids we leave it basically as we found it. If you wreck the tatami etc then you have to expect to lose most of your shikikin. However my contract goes through my company, so it could be that they are fighting stuff like this for me without me realising.
  3. not sure what the parents are doing taking a young un to yakiniku. i still wont take my kids there and mine are 4 and 5, simply because i dont trust them not to burn themselves etc and it is a hassle to cook the meat and look after the kids at the same time. on top of that, feeding a 1 year old yakiniku, even cooked, seems a bit odd. feeding them raw mincemeat with raw egg just seems idiotic. but as one pundit on the telly said, if it is on the menu then people will think it is totally safe and they will eat it. and if customers are asking for something to be put on the menu, eve
  4. if the police kept it, they would be out there 24/7 trapping people.
  5. I believe in the UK it goes to local council, not sure about in Japan.
  6. I think it was a (raw) mincemeat type dish that killed them.
  7. who gets the money from those fines?
  8. Diaz was around back in 1996 i remember, so it may be fair to say that she is past her peak now looks wise. Julia Roberts would be another one who has aged quite badly.
  9. ive moved a lot recently and what i have learnt is tha stuff like books are evil they take up space, have some value so are hard to just throw away, but will almost never be used again. so, i have taken action to get rid of all my books and not buy new ones. there are other evils apart from books, clothes especially. i found i tend to have, for example, 10 mediocre jackets and no great one. so i have decided to stop buying so often and instead buy higher quality stuff. basically, less is more.
  10. if someone took your laptop home for the night, would you know what they looked at or copied? i belive this is basically the same thing.
  11. come on chelski for the title! id luv it i would.
  12. i used a plain see thru bag one time and the gomi guys didnt take it away. so i then put that bag into an identically sized official bag with red writing on it, then they took it away. real eco friendly.
  13. i have a cheap notebook stand, it looks like the pic above but without any fan in it. ive seen them for about 500 yen. with one of those, the air ventilation is enough to keep it cool, you dont need a fan.
  14. Ishigaki is meant to have great beaches. But my wife is not interested in it, I think because it is not exotic for her and also it is not that cheap. Cost of getting there is similar to going to SE Asia, and once there the hotels and items cost more than SE Asia.
  15. easy solution: send him over to japan to sort out that declining birth rate.
  16. I opened the fridge last night to see my wife had put a whole saucepan of soup in the fridge with no lid on. Is this acceptable? I always make sure anything in the fridge is in an airtight container like tupperware or at least a bowl with clingfilm over it. If it is not airtight, it is going to go dry and spread germs etc.
  17. my logic is like this: - they say racism is borne of ignorance. - ignorance goes hand in hand with lack of exposure to something. - people in the countryside tend to be less exposed to minorities than people in the city. anyway, i am just speaking from my personal and very limited experience in australia. maybe it was just bad luck who i came in contact with.
  18. Chrome is my main browser now. simple and fast, like how IE used to be back in the day.
  19. It is totally my subjective opinion, but there is so much empty space that I cant handle it having grown up in London. I feel the same way about the US, I dont think I could ever live there due to its sparseness. re. racism, I just mean people openly being offensive about certain races without any provacation. e.g. taxi driver seeing a black person in the street and starting to off on a monologue about why Africans spend all their time killing each other and black people are genetically unable to live in a civilised fashion. Or colleagues talking about Jappos, refusing to eat any food t
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