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Everything posted by IIIII

  1. You can walk up there no problems - Kagura is the main route to climb Naeba-san. Cars can go up to the top Gondola station, then its walking from there on up.
  2. Oh go on! Lets hear some of your words Ocean11 too! Where they love songs or ones of angst?
  3. One of the joys of going back is food. Put on weight and proud of it
  4. I like lots of Brit rock, but don't actually know too much stuff from the US - certainly open to it (unless it is called Toto or Chigago)
  5. With the help of all the increasing gaijin power.... on the up!
  6. Just went for a workout this morning. Phew, tired now! Good feeling though, I might just get into it....
  7. Does anyone know - Gateway still operating in Japan?
  8. I wonder what its like for the ego to be 'worth' that much?
  9. Not their style...if you want that check out Erasure PSB are all about no smiles, no movement, understatement - so basically crap live experience!!!
  10. Well, you didnt make me all that jealous. Perhaps the real readers havent answered to this one
  11. Do you want to live until you're over 100? Whats so good about that, if your life is hardly worth living, as many people are at that stage (not all, before I get flamed....)
  12. A band like the Pet shop boys is never going to be that good live because their sound is not something that can be recreated live.
  13. I'm waiting til Christmas this year, big family event around that time.
  14. Anyone else noticed? http://www.skijapanguide.com/cgi-bin/ubbcgi/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_profile;u=00001481 I wonder what she has to say for herself!!
  15. I used the same excuse with my mum - its good for me! She didn't believe me one little bit
  16. Was about to post, but you did it for me. Well said...
  17. Well no we wouldn't be thinking of it as "the little bugger" or "that shit". It certainly wouldn't be the easiest or happiest thing to do either...........
  18. Places I want to go? Oh so many, how about these for starters; NZ Africa Mexico Brazil
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