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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by IIIII

  1. Chest is empty! Haha. Those padded bras are, what's the word, - disappointing.....
  2. That sucks. I'm having a weekend just milling around and not doing much.
  3. That doesn't help now though does it, although there is some truth in there. But sometimes the portrayal is way over the top. I didn't find LIT to be ott in the portrayal of Jpeeps.
  4. Watched the derby game last night - good fight in the first half there
  5. So there's gonna be an Iiyama Shink station?! Where next, go up north to Myoko and Arai stations?
  6. Nothing wrong with trying to improve your appearance, mate. And yellow teeth do generally look really bad lets face it
  7. Great place - what exactly kind of info you looking for akemi7? I'm sure it would be a positive experience whatever, if you have the chance, go for it!
  8. Seems so. Not sure about this "back to the first mission" idea though.
  9. So - can you vote? (I think I know the answer....)
  10. Woman sues! WOMAN SUES OVER BOOB An American woman has filed a lawsuit demanding billions of dollars in compensation for "serious injury" suffered when Janet Jackson exposed her breast on television. Bank worker Terri Carlin is demanding compensation for herself and millions of other viewers who were watching last Sunday's Super Bowl. Jackson was on stage with Justin Timberlake, who tugged at her top, tearing it and revealing her right breast. In her lawsuit, Ms Carlin, from Tennessee, said broadcasters breached an "implied contract" that viewers would not be expos
  11. Aren't we talking about the re-entry permit though, not the visa, mogski
  12. I seem to have escaped it this time. Hurrah!
  13. Money perhaps? Better chance of being in a winning side?
  14. I've got a pic somewhere from a while back, will post it if I can find it.
  15. I watched the movie Indecent Proposal last night. Demi Moore, Robert Redford. Basically the rich guy offers 1 million to have poor boys wife for the night. They take the money, thinking everything would be "over" after the 1 night. Of course, it wasn't. Quite interesting movie. What would you do? Will anyone take the mill?
  16. How about this page, "Horlicks and Sleep": http://www.horlicks.co.uk/flashversion/sleep/horlicksleepindex.html >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It may be the unique combination of wholesome ingredients - the malted barley, wheat or dairy ingredients in Horlicks that aids sleep. Certainly we do know that drinking Horlicks has a beneficial effect as we have shown with scientific research that Horlicks has a positive effect on sleep quantity and quality. There is
  17. Horlicks http://www.horlicks.com/global/flash/ The drink. Very nice.
  18. I've been checking out The Police albums for the first time in ages recently.
  19. How did eating popcorn at movies start? I mean, it's not the most obvious is it? Noisy, hardly the most delish snack, etc. Do you have popcorn at the cinema? I have only once just to see what the fuss was about, then I went back to my chocolate or whatever else.
  20. I'm off up there next week, wondering if anyone here has been up there recently?
  21. Well, I('d) Bonk er. Aha ha a ha aha ha. Sorry.
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