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Everything posted by barok

  1. Argentina Trinidad & Tobago France - maybe Val des Ares - or whateveritscalled
  2. For snowboarding, basic technique - bending low at your knees, and weight placement are critical, but can be learned after you have the general idea of how to ride. Thinking about technique will help you ride switch, ride the halfpipe, ride powder better, perform tricks easier etc. but technique for the sake of technique has little place in snowboarding, style on the other hand. . .
  3. I will get my nose straightened as soon as I give up the freestyle aspect of snowboarding - I broke it snowboarding 5 or 6 years ago, when I didn`t know what I was doing, and flew off of a jump that was way too big for my ability. That was the second time I have broken it, and it is just not quite straight. I think there is a pretty good possibility I might break it again, so I won`t fix it until I stop jumping. Other than that, I would grow 2 inches, and I would get the damn circles out from under my eyes.
  4. It`s all I hear in the evening - Where I live I am surrounded by rice fields, haven`t gone looking for any yet though. Although I do like green frogs, I don`t see the point in looking for them.
  5. Only US, Canada, and Japan, If I can hit up France, and Argentina, my plan will have come together perfectly bwahahahaha.
  6. I agree with Ocean 11 that the motivations are different. The snobbish, elitist, we own the mountain, attitude is present in North America as well as Europe. I spent a season in Colorado as a skier in 1993, and I had alot of respect for the boarders, whose attitudes were way more hardcore than the skiers that I knew. Early season, there were way more of them than skiers, same with late season. They were up earlier in the day, and they hit terrain that the skiers didn`t. Judging by their clothes and cars, they didn`t have nearly as much money as the skiers either. But of course, the
  7. Hi The Orange, I have found that indeed, the weight will simply disappear overnight. You weigh yourself for weeks and months, no change, then suddenly, over like the course of a week, zap, gone. It could have something to do with eating though. Try to spend less time at home (bad advice if yer married), but yeah, pack a lunch and eat something small for dinner, and drink lots of water and keep active, and the weight will melt off.
  8. Didn`t get to go to Tenjindaira, didn`t get to build a 25 meter kicker, didn`t get to ride anything crazy out of control steep, didn`t get to do the switch spin tricks that I wanted to do. Did get everything else done though. Spun 540 off the biggest kicker at Hakuba, backside spins, escaped the season with only minor injuries (2 broken fingers, whilplash, and a busted up forehead, whacked knees), accomplished my biggest goal - 60 days (+5 more), rode with a cute japanese girl, and some crazy guys (both g and j), met alot of forum people (like 15 or so), got fairly proficient at dropping
  9. I love it, it can be boring, back where I am from, but there is no better place for me to earn a living, and the variety of places to travel to is fantastic. If I could somehow merge my working life back home with my extra-working life here in Japan, I think I would be in heaven. anyone else feel this way ?
  10. That`s coolio that so many people are "Really good" or better. My season was by far the best, just by virtue of the number of days out, the powder, the spring slush, and the people that I have met. It is going to be really hard to leave Japan.
  11. I think that is true for what you and I and most people think about resorts, but then there are those places, Okutadami, Gassan, whatever that get sooo much snow, that they don`t open until April or whatever. I think they get more ? ? Someone told me that some place in Japan, claimed the most snowfall in the world, but I don`t believe it. I always thought Mt. Baker, WA was tops.
  12. There`s no better feeling than. . . get this 2 TV`s - one playing NASCAR, and the other pro Wrestling, while at the same time enjoyin` a tall can of Old Style Ice. Yep yah gotcher leftover Turkey sandwich, thatcha didn`t hafta make yerself, and yer pants buttons undone fer maximum comfert, and no onez there to nag, cuz the old lady`s at bingo, and yeh can`t hear them lousy brats screamin` cuz you got the AC in the trailer cranked to the MAX. takes me away just thinkin` about it
  13. I really like bulldogs, pit bulls, english bulls, staffordshire terriers, american bulldogs, french bulldogs. They are so luggish and loyal, it`s great.
  14. logs, frogs, bogs, grogs, cogs, nogs, pogs. . . am i forgetting something ?
  15. Anyone had a Tofu Burger yet ? I am going to grab one tomorrow, even if it does have chicken in it. Someone once told me that guiness has pigs blood in it - as a coloring agent. But then again, you can`t believe everything that you hear, eh ?
  16. There was an earlier thread bashing snowmobiles, but I stayed off of that one. I like the idea of snowmobiles, for my own selfish reasons of course. It has always (for the past year) been my dream to explore the BC backcountry on a snowmobile, build jumps, and find that Whistler waterfall, that is in almost every ski/snowboard video.
  17. It gets a little lonely up here in Nagaoka City, Niigata, so do imaginary friends count ? My Japanese Language textbooks tell about the adventures of Mearii san and Takeshi san. We also have Robaato san, Suu san (she`s Korean), Yamashita sensee, and Ken san so I think it`s about an even split - so there you go.
  18. a) no one ringo starr yes, life can be sooo cruel indeed.
  19. What about if we are half robot ? What should I vote for ? Seriously ?
  20. I think that brings up a more important point . . . What would happen if animals could juggle us ? How many people would be carelessley dropped every day ? Would we be juggled 2 at a time ? 3 at a time ? 5 at a time ? Would we be set on fire and spun around in the air whilst being juggled ? Boggles the mind really.
  21. just spent 3 days at H47 - they are open till the 5th, sunny weather, plenty of slush, and dirt gaps with dane - lots of fun. build your own jumps though as the resort jumps are no good. i also tried to go to arai, they are open until the 11th, but they were closed when i went there due to high winds - call before you go. good luck
  22. Ray, you are wrong about the Dixie Chicks, they have been on top of the country and western charts for a long time - all of their albums have been #1`s, and at the time of their statement - their latest album was #1. I don`t know about now. I also don`t have any idea why I know that, I just do.
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