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Everything posted by Raury

  1. Quote: Originally posted by Ocean11: mogski's no spring chicken is he? Don't know, so far I know it's DrEvil and myself.
  2. Nice work SJG, looks like your forums might start to get as busy as a certain .AU site. Keep up the good work.
  3. If any of you poor deprived people would like some Vege/Mar/Pro-mite, drop me an email and I'll help you out. I understand how bad things can get, after living in Adelaide (the coffee capital of .au), I tried for 6 weeks to get a decent coffee in the UK and only found one place in Inverness that could do it.
  4. happy birfday to all the other librans Hope you had a good one deebee and ballz, I know I did.
  5. Looks like I'm one of the older people here, And they say that maturity comes with age
  6. The site is still registered, but doesn't appear to be active
  7. deebee, can't say I know your brother, but that is a good effort to get a rating like that.
  8. enderzero - I rate BWP quite highly. I saw it fairly early on in its release life, so din't have too many people play spoiler. "Jess - tell me where you are" still puts shivers in my spine.
  9. Most .au resorts do it at night, often starting as soon as the slopes close. Ever listened to a winch groomer run out the cable as they come back down the hill. Sounds hell freaky. Falls Creek had a couple out first thing in the am and up to midmorning iif the conditions meant that they needed to do stuff at that time. If you are interested, a guy I know has done a page on the groomers at Falls Creek, check it out here .
  10. The Shining - Jack N at his most manic. There was a series of short films called "Ther Karen Black Trilogy" based on some short stories written by Karen Black (At least I think that was her name) that included one film of this little African doll with big teeth and a spear that came to life. Sharon, that film (Harlequin) was basically about political manipulation and was filmed in Australia. But yes, the scene where he switched the shampoo around was freaky.
  11. snobee, yup, and on snow.net.au and tetongravity.com One and the same
  12. Quote: Originally posted by rach: Ever tried boarding upside down? Been there, tried that
  13. Yeah, I hate it too, always hurting myself, spending faaaar too much money, getting rained on, getting snowed on, getting sunburnt, getting cold, getting cramp. Who the hell would like a sport like that
  14. So,... I've noticed that snowboard-freak and snowboard-freaks-girl are from SYD. I know snowhaus is from .AU too, but living in .JP I'm in ADL Who else will put their hand up?
  15. They would also stop you from tearing tendons, as any big deformation of the wrist will pull the tendons. As I have had tendons in my right palm repaired, I am also paranoid about ripping them apart again. Another reason for me to wear guards.
  16. I wouldn't dream of going out without wrist guards. I use rollerblade wrist guards over a pair of ski gloves. Yes you do end up with bruised forearms, but I'd rather that than broken wrists. We've had a few discussions on it on Sno Info forums , including this one and while not entirely on the subject, there is some discussion in this thread . My main thing is that, if you break one of the bones in your arm, it is far eaasier to get it right than if you break something in your wrist. Personal preference really.
  17. My old board was an Elan with a Strongbow Cider promo topsheet. My new board, coz I will be distributing them, will look like this:
  18. From snowboarding: cracked ribs twice (now have flat spot on side of rib cage) Partially dislocate shoulder in carwheel Torn tricep in a different cartwheel split quad by slamming into ice and pinching muscle between wrist guard and femur Bruised forearms from pressure of wristguards bearing on muscles Lost filling by hitting jaw at warp factor From other activities: Went through 2 glass doors @ age 3 and nearly lost an eye. Big bike prang at 7 rearranged all front teeth (needed braces for a while) and cracked joint of jaw. Cut tendons for 2 fingers in right hand. Ripp
  19. Scottish, but my passports reckon I'm British or Australian.
  20. good point oddis10 I have large (read 15 degree) orthotics in my boots as well, so I don't have problems with that. If you suffer from any foot pains/aches at all, make sure you tell the boot fitter. If you wear the soles of your shoes really badly on one side of the heel, then see a podiatrist to see if you need orthotics, and if you do, make sure you take the orthotics with you to the boot fitting. Go to a boot fitting when you have a few hours to spare. Get the boots fitted when you arrive, then spend a couple of hours, if you can, walking around the shop and see if the bo
  21. Adelaide for the lifestyle - but the hayfever year round really sux. Inverness - for being the biggest town/nearly a city, in the the North West of Scotland Aberdeen - for being where I was born Not really a city person.
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