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Everything posted by mogski

  1. Quote: Originally posted by quattro: They probably could support their own oil needs by opening up a full blow oil production program in Alaska. But that would be environmentally not good. The list goes on. But it's environmentally and humanely okay to go and blast the crap out of someone elses land to get the oil?
  2. Quote: Originally posted by Ocean11: Until developed nations...get out of the Mideast... While I agree wholeheartedly with your other commments, I do feel this to be rather finger pointing. I do not beleive the main reason for the problems we are seeing is because of the Mid East. Sure it has a big part in the whole picture, but it is not the only part. The Mid East is developing and on a business level wish for cooperation from developing nations to develop their own nation. Like you say the govt are not correctly representing the people and this is where the developing nations get
  3. My point was that the article neglects to compare the foreign crims figures with the J national figures and therefore gives no representation of the whole story. I guess maybe I ma just more cynical about this place than I should be.
  4. Does this get up anyone elses nose? I find this article would have a less of a "foreign attack" to it if there were comparable figures for the number of crimes committed by J peoples. It surpirses me that English version of the MDN would not think that its readers (foreigners mainly of course or it wouldn't be in English) might find this slightly annoying news.
  5. People who can't tell the difference between blank bullets and real bullets.
  6. The only J movies I watch these days are the ones you should watch in private
  7. Mind if I print that out and attach it to my contract?
  8. For this very reason I have a video dated the day I shifted into my new apartment showing stains all over the Tatami. My contract states that I have to replace the Tatami upon leaving. If they don't have the courtesy to do it for me upon entering then I don't give a crap if I have signed a contract or not, I am not going to replace them and I will go by the overriding condition in the contract that says "return to condition of time of abode upon vacating." I do stand to be corrected on this but I understand that they cannot use any amount of the Shikikin unless you agree to it. To take
  9. Quote: Originally posted by Ocean11: Yes mogski, what does "bukkake" mean? The ancient Japanese art of yoghurt throwing. Tis widely documented by world scholars.
  10. Generally not that interested, but I have a very good chance of getting an invite to the BMW corportate set up at the Bahrain GP. Hope it pans out! Free trip to the innaugral F1 in Bahrain! (Track is amazing!) Just had to skite on this one! To be honest all I want to really see is the groupy women!
  11. Dogs with defected colours are the best! Be nice and take em cause no one else here will. Besides this their rareness makes them an immedaite woman magnet! Not much use with the other half in tow, but definitely great for a lonely weekend walk along a beach of bikini clad girls whom otherwise would never give the time of day! (Actually reading this makes me sound like a right dweeb who can't get woman...) Perhaps I should edit this...
  12. April is defintely a good time for me! Count me in! My Costco membership is good for BBQ's like this. Think large amounts of normal sized beef and other meets for very cheap prices! Oh and beer by the two dozen for about 2000 yen per case.
  13. Does having your own tv commercial(it even made the big screen!) back home count as being skiteable in this thread?
  14. Did two programs of Koko ga hendayo Nihonnjin. What an absolute waste of time that was. Cheap arses too! Think I might have said one or two things then I just shut up and enjoyed the zoo.
  15. Ohashi Kyosen from the infoamous OK gift shops in NZ and Australia. He certainly knows how to rip off Japanese tourists abroad with his premium prices!
  16. It is called "debt for a good cause" bm. Figure it is one of the last times I can splash on my sport before I have to splash on the other sport making his debut in July. Still I hope we can get another trip in all together next year with the families in tow. CR - will PM you shortly with details.
  17. 25% of the people on base get off? Seems a small amount of people? What is wrong with the rest? My wife comes from Yokosuka where one of the naval fleet for the US forces reside. I have spent many a weekend in the area and met many nice US peoples, but I have witnessed just as many replusive ones too. I cannot help but think that more often than not the attitude taken by many from the bases of their host country be the root to many of the problems experienced by all. I do not mean this as a direct attack at base people. As I said I have met many pleasant people, but I hope t
  18. Quote: Originally posted by d=(^o^)=b: find a pal that will rent you a place for 150,000 per month yet have him draw up a lease for 500,000pm For a portion of the monthly unused amount I offer you my services. Still trying to work the tax thing out myself for rent, but as far as I can see on my payslip there appears to be no relation to the actual amount spent and the amount allocated as regardless the tax ratio on this amount and on salary amount appears to the be the same. In other words there seems to be no clear benefit in having the amount listed as rent on ones pay slip. Ear
  19. You could always forget about living in Tokyo and come live in Kanagawa where you a whole prefecture away and closer to the beach and the mogski mobile. I find it difficult to believe that even if the wards have intercommunication that the same applies for interward.
  20. I will be in Niseko first weekend of March. Forget the eaxct dates of this weekdn, but it is the first weekend. Any other SJ pep's being there?
  21. My best freind took a woman I was chasing. He ended up marrying her. I took freindship over a woman. Now we are all freinds I am I drunk most nights.
  22. Couldn't be furhter away from translation. I am automobile. Funny the how sometimes the things you study at Uni have absolutley no relelvance on the stuff you do after that.
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