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Everything posted by angrybird

  1. I have used Korean Air a few times. They were ok. Not amazing. Not terrible. Pretty normal I'd say.
  2. Well I bought loads yesterday. Peace of mind. And I'm not even in Japan!
  3. Don't like the sound of summer. Other seasons sound good though, esp. autumn.
  4. Very difficult one. No rule book. A good person will be sensitive to those left around them, whilst at the same time not being obsessed by what others say. There's always going to be someone critisizing. Can't time relationships. Good luck.
  5. I'm sorry but surely ski/board to ieba..... kare raisu!
  6. The Fire Festival in Nozawa is fun.... but also busy. Next morning was quieter than I thought - perhaps due to hangovers.
  7. Interesting thread this one. Sorry I might have missed this but when do you guys expect to be able to move into your house?
  8. Interesting how the season went this year with March being that warm bit and then it getting colder again and keeping chilly to the end in most places.
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