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Everything posted by DoctorOctopus

  1. This isn't directed at you personally Chriselle as I don't know how many you have but... Is the choice to have just 1 child because of cost? I think if I have children, I would want 2 or 3 and let them have brothers and sisters. I grew up an only child and always wished I had a brother or sister. Was always jealous of the kids who did.
  2. Do we win a badge or something to show that we are supporting this initiative?
  3. OK I am liking this, it seems to work good and in the background. Will keep testing this. Thanks again.
  4. OK I have cleaned things up. Took a long time but that in itself has greatly improved the situation. Made it easy to copy over most important things. I am going to try this Genie software and see how that goes. Thanks folks.
  5. That's very decent of you onehunga, thanks! I think I'll spend a day or so sorting stuff out and then try. If all that fails...!
  6. The problem is I don't know where all of my stuff actually is. (Where the heck are my email files, I use Outlook). And it is not simple to drag and drop 350GB worth of stuff. If it were, I'd be doing that.
  7. Though I was a casualty of Vista back when.
  8. My Windows 7 machine is an unholy mess. I'm terrible at keeping things in one place. I want to back up the whole thing, as is. Just in case, coz it's getting old. There's 350GB of it. What do you use to do something like this? Simple and as non technical as possible is good. Looking forward to ideas!
  9. I reckon you're right. If they thought more people would watch, there'd be more coverage.
  10. Godzilla! Or, those giant squid that have been showing up along the Japan Sea!
  11. They can't put some of the credit cards in their pockets!
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