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Everything posted by 634-maru

  1. Snow that late? I want to see one of your photos like last year (?) when it was barely covered in snow. That was funny. (Was that you?)
  2. Naeba Kokusai hey? Nah, I think Naeba sounds better. Or is it... Mt Naeba? Prince themselves don't even seem to know the answer to that one.
  3. Mr muikabochi, a bit cheeky perhaps but if you don't use it... can someone else use it?
  4. We need to get some "off-season" pace back to this thread!
  5. No idea. I reckon too it was just a fashionable name to give a resort.
  6. When you meet someone for the first time in a number of years... are there any no-go comments? There don't seem to be! Not in these parts anyway. - my you have put on weight (cheers!) - haven't you gone grey (cheers!) - you look older ne (cheers!) etc Not just talking about myself but hearing other people talk. It's surprising seeing how some people age though isn't it. Met a few guys I used to work with about 7 years ago last night. One guy I know looks great for nearly 50. His colleague, same age, has gone the other way... not looking nearly as good.
  7. Yeah we noticed a fair bit of gear that had been dropped from the lifts. Got to wonder why people didn't ask patrol to go fetch for them. I suppose some people didn't realise when/where they had lost stuff.
  8. The glitteringly magnificent towering alpine peaks of the legendary Mt Granview from Maiko Snow Resort.
  9. A few snaps from yesterday. Snow quickly going from beneath the lift But no shortage on most of the courses
  10. Actually yes did go, but left early around 1pm so weren't there much while you were by the sounds. It was ok, certainly for mid April and we did had a fun morning. Probably my last of the season. I took a few photos, will try and get them done tomorrow.
  11. I kind of need to keep on the lower side rather than the higher side. Alas.
  12. I wish my recent computer had 7 on it rather than 8.
  13. Putting this on hold for a bit while I 'rethink'.
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