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Everything posted by Mintyjulep

  1. I don't know if anyone has linked this, but it's a really well done program. He did the same thing for Christchurch after our biggie. http://www.japanquakemap.com/ I haven't been watching much tv, I'm so sad for you guys, it is such a terrible thing, but I can't - it's just too close to home for me, I'm having too many nightmares and I'm terrified now because the Chch fault is evidently releasing pressure out to sea now, it's nearly full moon which is usually worst for aftershocks, and my home is only 5m above sea level. I did see some pictures from the Nagano 6.2 aftershock ta
  2. Osaka was nice, dotomburi is great. The castle was pretty awesome - we didn't go inside as it was shut for new years, but I think it was better that way. There were new year celebrations happening everywhere we went in osaka and Kyoto. USJ is fun, but thanks to new year holidays we only got on 5 rides in 5 hours Next time we'll probably do a day trip to Nara. Have an awesome time - how long till you're here?
  3. His fine print said it didn't cover ski or boarding injuries. Gutted huh. I don't know about happo, but our map for nozawa has a note saying you should always take out personal insurance as they won't cover accidents, so maybe not all fields in japan have insurance.
  4. We walked up and down the street and only saw one place that looked appetizing. To be fair, happo seemed to have more options, but we certainly didn't have a car, and being full of bronchitis we didn't attempt to use the night shuttles. Driving in japan looks a bit overwhelming, so we decided to not even bother. Most places we've been we've found a high concentration of good eateries. Dotomburi in Osaka was fantastic, and Noz has over 20 places in town, and more on the field. The point of this thread was to discuss ski resorts which are worth visiting from overseas. Most firs
  5. Gutted chick, get well soon, hopefully the ligament is ok and you don't need surgery. Lots of physio and rest and yay for the upgrade! Bit worried I have reopened my knees ligament tear as it has been swollen and sore, but can still ski on it, for now! A guy at our lodge in hakuba was taken out by a noob boarder on his third day, the other guys board sliced his arm open and shattered his forearm. Insurance won't cover it, or the early return to Aussie for surgery, but he was in relatively good spirits - was stoked about the awesome time he had before the accident.
  6. Originally Posted By: Mr Wiggles Hakuba certainly is spread out and it can be difficult getting around, but I think there is plenty of variety when it comes to food. You need someone to show you round properly Minty! My MiL is in Nozawa at the moment so say hello if you see her in the onsen. She'll be in there all day. Woah, she's a brave one then! They're awesome, but my max is about 15 min in the actual onsen We did make it up to echo land once, but we only came across 10-15 restaurants, if that, and we saw less people than eateries. Noz wins. Add in the experience of being in a t
  7. We're in nozawa after five nights in hakuba, we found hakuba a bit awkward - the shuttles are great if you can make sense of them, we didn't even bother with night shuttles as apparently you have to pre purchase tickets? We also found there was less reason to leave our lodge apart from skiing. There wasn't much variety for food, and it was all spread out. But, the skiing was very good, although there were some icy runs and a lot of out of control skiers and boarders. A LOT. I'm a beginner but I work hard to maintain control, so these people annoy me, and I know someone whose arm was brok
  8. You could pick him up with a forklift easy, just get him to roll onto a pallet. Then they could strap him down, put him on a freight truck and get him to the hospital overnight
  9. Oh my goodness Pete, where did you go today, iwatake looked great in those pics! I want brightly colored gear like your snow bunny friend alas I am black and grey, though my skis and beanie are light blue I'm assuming MB that Pete has sj stickers on his gear? Am I right??
  10. Oh my god i am so stoked for everyone who got to ski/board today - it looked beautiful up there from the bottom, oh and quiet!! Every field I looked up at was so peaceful looking - the one I counted the skiers on was goryu I think - 10 coming down the run at the same time - seriously, I wish I had been up there. I talked to some Aussies here for their first time - they can't get over how short the queues are. Oh, and from the bottom looking up it seemed visibility was poor today - nope, the Aussies told me it was perfect. Hubby is dosed up to the eyeballs and sleeping right now
  11. Ouch JA, that's a little harsh don't you think? I hate to think what you think of my latest gift buying attempt - Mr Mintys birthday was a few days before the wedding and I had no idea what to get him, so I didn't get him anything. Schneeboard, I voted for jewelry - I love having dinner out and such but jewelry is so nice to receive. Make sure it is something nice and simple though. I was given some modern design a few years ago and have never worn it, it's hideous.
  12. Back to hakuba being packed with Aussies - not even, it's packed with Americans! MB I hope there are many more such days to come, because right now it is approaching 8.30am and our best possible outlook for today is to have a few quiet runs at iwatake or goryu
  13. Nope Pete, we're staying at hakuba powder lodge. Will have to see about that beer, we're both worse for the wear right now. Really hoping we can make the most of our time here, but I think we'll be pushing it to start skiing tomorrow afternoon. probably looking more at the following day with how crappy our lungs seem to be
  14. We've just arrived! Got held up by a truck that had slid on the road into hakuba. Just read there was 80cm overnight and it's still snowing - awesome!! Unfortunately we're both sick! I saw a doctor in Kyoto yesterday but we have to find one for mr Minty tomorrow, until then I'm giving him my antibiotics in the hopes of clearing us both up in time to have a few days here before we head to nozawa
  15. I'm a bit scared of moguls, and mr Minty just piped up with "not all good skiers can ski moguls" Methinks we will avoid them.
  16. doh, hopefully most are on xmas/nye break and leave hakuba by the 6th
  17. Originally Posted By: thursday Minty, please show us a pic of your hair.
  18. are you serious! you would hate having my hair then - your hair looks how mine does after some serious straightening. You should be able to beg/borrow/steal a kiwi/japan adapter from someone nearby? I think kiwi & aussie plugs are the same
  19. I just showed Mr Minty your pic cptslow and told him that I wasn't crazy for packing my GHDs Snow is looking amazing, hope you're having an awesome time! We're taking off in two days!
  20. I agree with MB It makes life easier for the givers of course - nice for parents who are already rushed off their feet trying to buy for the younger cousins and get xmas dinner organised. Personally I don't give gift cards, but then I don't really give presents to anyone unless I happen to walk past something that is perfect.
  21. Merry Christmas! We're just getting ready to head to the inlaws for breakfast. I'm looking forward to doing my baked ham tomorrow with marmalade, oj, and boozey glaze. Mmm cloves!
  22. So goryu it is for our first day! The run reminded me of mcdougals at cardrona - fairly cruisey and easy going, and wide
  23. Have to say the Brits did do one show badly - their version of outrageous fortune is terrible. Skins has also been remade (word for word pretty much) by MTV it looks terrible
  24. Veggie samurai is awesome! I seem to be having some problems getting the keyboard to pop up, not sure about that one, might be an issue with the protective cover causing a loss of sensitivity. I got the snow japan app and there were a few issues with crashing the first day I had it, but it hasn't crashed since Any recommendations for wifi hot spots in Nozawa/hakuba?
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