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About Mintyjulep

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    SJ'er with 300+ posts
  1. I didn't know how to drive when I went to Japan in 2003, but this time around I did and I was shocked on the highway from the airport to Osaka - I mentioned to Mr Minty "are the speed limit signs in Mph?" and eventually we confirmed with someone that no, they aren't, they are in kmph - everyone just speeds really badly.
  2. Wow, that is insane. I thought cyclones were scary I feel terrible for them - what is the attraction of living in tornado alley if the tornados are getting so frequent? It's mostly farm land isn't it, but there are cities through there right. I don't really know much about that part of the USA so any info or insight is new to me
  3. His shoes are a bit muddy???! At least in Japan the people asleep on the floor of trains and subways don't smell obscene
  4. Well, we found the Nintendo game cube and it still works, so we've had some friends over and been playing that. But today we finally did some stuff - and we still have half the day to go, yay! We actually only unpacked our ski bag today! (had both sets, jackets, pants, hats etc in it) I couldn't believe how dry everything was - nothing smelt musty, mold free, rust free. I'm stoked! We're moving our bedroom into the study (and study into the bedroom) today because our fireplace in the bedroom will be removed soon and it's easier to cover up the computers than our bedroom mess. So far
  5. Ok, Mallet golf course. I actually enjoyed it for just warming up, I had a few problems with my calf muscles while we were there so it was always nice to have that cruisey little run to warm up on. Mr Minty hates it.
  6. lol, you sound like Mr Minty and I - we have a whole room dedicated to junk, and the rest of the house isn't that much better. We're going to get a skip soon, yus
  7. Originally Posted By: BagOfCrisps Originally Posted By: MintyNZ RAWR Angry Tired of how SELFISH people are. Tired of insomnia, tired of an AS hitting 10 minutes before my alarm every other morning. oh, and HAPPY for TB grats! Who is selfish, Minty? Just certain people who don't like me very much, so have essentially tried to prohibit their partners from being friends with Mr Minty. Their excuse: their EQ experience was worse than mine and I'm a "vindictive *itch" Originally Posted By: muikabochi Still getting lots of aftershocks then, Minty? Yeah, we had one tod
  8. We used to use black council bags here in Chch, absolutely hated them - always felt like you ran out the night before the rubbish collection. They were about $1 each I think, so $52/year, it does start to add up, and that's based on only 1 bag per week too. Submit a petition for reusable plastic bins, they are amazing, and because you're restricted on how much you can throw out you really rethink your rubbish habits - we recycle so much more now.
  9. You're in chch right? Does that place on Linwood ave - brewers friend or something sell it? They seem to have a fairly good range of winemaking products. I'll have a better look tomorrow (royal wedding is starting omg!) - I'll also ask a friend if their winery has any spare. When do you need it by?
  10. OMG! Reading FRENZY! I'm about to start my fifth Raymond E. Feist book in 10 days. They're just vanishing, how is this happening? It could be one per day if I didn't make myself do other stuff. Honestly, compared to all my clavells recently this is a bit scary fast.
  11. RAWR Angry Tired of how SELFISH people are. Tired of insomnia, tired of an AS hitting 10 minutes before my alarm every other morning. oh, and HAPPY for TB grats!
  12. I don't like summer much, but I like cold summers even less (unless it's cold because I'm in the opposite hemisphere and it's winter!) - so yay for you guys that you should get a decent summer! We're setting in for a long cold winter to match our long hot summer, I saw this fantastic article recently, written by someone who knows lots about snow sports and tourism. http://www.stuff.co.nz/the-press/news/4911859/South-Island-tourism-hurting my favourite bit is the caption "EMPTY SEATS: Queenstown has reported a significant slump in tourist numbers since the February 22 Christchurc
  13. I think it was the main gondola had some damage, and the golf course covered quad. Which one is fixed? I'm glad to hear they're ending the season on a high note
  14. Originally Posted By: Jynxx Minty, howyagoin ! Southern season is the start of the 2011~12 Sorry mate, no splitting hairs. I reckon we start the season earlier DownUnder. I'm cool with that, I guess 9 days for me last season, dammit hope to break double digits this coming season. Thanks SKI - yeah I'm getting there. Had a bit of a bad run but I had my last physio appt today (yus! didn't have to get my disc shaved!), and my stomach seems to have healed up nicely from the op. House is getting more and more broken but what can I do hey
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