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Everything posted by ILoveZao

  1. Thanks snowjunky. I would like to get down to that part of the world myself sometime. By the way, how long is the flight from Aus to NZ?
  2. A nice drop off this week in Zao as well.
  3. I can't imagine Nagano people are too pleased with that dropping of that name either. There seems to be no planning or logic in some of the naming of things like this. You think they'd take a more long term view. I didn't actually know that!
  4. Lots and lots and lots of rain in Yamagata recently.
  5. Getting up and starting out extremely early is a good solution! And you get there for a full day as well, bonus.
  6. Depends on how fast you drive of course. And conditions. But it can be done in just over 3 hours. But you should probably think more like 4.
  7. I agree that Zao is one of those places that greatly benefits from some knowledge.
  8. Top parts of Zao are still open through Golden Week but no, I won't be going. I will actually be in Tokyo visiting family for the second longer part of the holidays.
  9. Sounds like an adventure! What's the job.... banking?
  10. Well that's it. Some people simply enjoy it and the neighbourhood folk are their friends and their social life. Doesn't mean that they 'need to get a life', it's no less OK than what other folk enjoy doing with their time. Trouble is when people who don't want to take part feel pressure to do so. Of course, that's never going to work well.
  11. You seem to have been working hard on this for a long time. Otsukaresama. Tanoshimi!
  12. Ah Naeba. I have memories from there. Good to see it again. I suspect not quite as busy as my memories!
  13. You sure get out a lot Mike! Never wake up in a morning and think.... ah, no I'm going to laze about for the next few days?
  14. Just OK for me. I have been rather busy with some personal things this winter and so not enjoyed the skiing as much unfortunately. For Zao I'd say it's been decent, but certainly not classic.
  15. Monsters completely gone now I'm afraid, since a while back actually. Very spring here and some lifts had their last runs yesterday.
  16. I'm not keen myself. Some of the points make sense though.
  17. That sounds a lot. Sounds like there's a rather large Niseko Tax going on!
  18. Warm here in Yamagata too now. Goodbye monsters, until next year!
  19. Yes, I am here. Record snows? Not sure about that. It's not been a classic season, I would say. Good times, not so good times.
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