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Have you ever lived on campus or somewhere with someone you don't know (at first) in a shared room? I felt myself "lucky" in that at uni we all had our own rooms, none shared - I didn't like the idea of sharing that private space! Just wondering what the experience was/is like

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i share a room with 3 other people. we get along pretty well. so there are two canadians, a german, and an irish...so its pretty interesting. ive been living with them for about 10 months and we have yet to have a big argument.


the rooms are pretty big and segrogated into cubicle type things so you sort of get your own private space. and each room gets there own bathroom.

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For 1 term in college. I hated it. The guy was ok and we didn't have any major fuss, but we were very different people. He was very studious, I wanted to party. So compromise all the time, not good. Luckily he moved out in the 2nd term leaving me with a 2 bedroom room for the rest of the year \:D \:D \:D

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i had roommates for most of my time at college. my first year, i was randomly placed with three other girls in a 2 bedroom apt. besides no one doing dishes (so gross to see mold growing on the plates left for so long) one of the roommates turned out to be a kleptomaniac. besides stealing food, small amounts of money, and other little things, she stole and wore my other roomates' and my underwear---


ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. i chose the roommates i had after that and we never had any probs, just good fun.

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At college in my final year I shared a house with 4 friends. It was just sooo unclean. On a Saturday night, well 3am Sunday, after a night out, our friendly Slug family were out on the kitchen floor (!) and one of my friends loved to give them some salt as a snack (and watch them explode)

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I get slugs in my house in Japan and I tried that salt thing once and felt so mean. The slug was writing around in agony. So now I just throw them down the toilet (note: throw, not flush)

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"Dear friends,


I am writing to you from zwelgen's house. I am in the most unimaginable agony. She has put salt on me. Judging by the fizzing noise, I think she has done the same thing to another of us. Oh god!


I am beyond help, but please, anyone, come and pour bleach on zwelgen. She is heartless and deserves it.





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Poor slugs.


At uni I spent 1 term in a room with some geek, and we had big problems. He wanted to study, I wanted to party. Luckily it didn't last too long.


Bad idea.

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Shared a house in Marrickville Sydney with 3 mates for a couple of years and swear nobody could compete with us in the disgusting stakes.


One night while watching TV a mouse runs down the hall....nobody moves. A few seconds later another one rushed down the hall into the Kitchen. Me to my Mate:


Me: "matty, i think we've got mice in the house"

Matty: "Yeah. What's on Fox?"


After the mice had cleared us out of 3 months worth of cereal we decided to move all our food to another room. Didn't trick the mice for long.


Only eventually decided to move out when one of the guys woke up with mice poo in his bed. That was the final straw.

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It seems gangs of student blokes living together in a house = gross. Who is the grossest is a different matter.


We might have been near the top. Slugs, mice, food over 12 months old, junk food all the way - it really was disgusting.


But such memories, ne?! \:D

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> But such memories, ne?!


Get a stack of 4 or 5 plastic chairs from the Hall of Res kitchen and lean them against the victim's door. Quietly now.


Fill each chair seat with water from the bogs.


When the victim opens his door, the stack of chairs falls into his room, tearing the skin off his shins and soaking him and his carpet with water.




(I made it known in my dorm that I would cut one testicle from anybody who tried this trick on me.)

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If you ever get the chance read the book "he died with a falafel in his hand" a true biog about a guy in Oz who lived in dozens of different flats, with some freaky roomates. You people have lived with angels compared to this guy!

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