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Anyone had any doctor horror stories here? eek.gif


I try to avoid them as much as I can, but I did my ankle in yesterday and it's hurting so I may have to just go. \:\(

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Luckly for me I havent had anything majorly bad at a dr but I have had to take friends at various times.


Hands down the worst one was harvesting rice. We were using those kama serrated sickle kind of things to cut the stalks of rice and were poking locusts with them and standing the blades in the mud. So one guy chopped his finger, on the top between ths knuckle and the fingernail in a wide arc and it was pissing blood everywhere. Took him to the local hospital where the emergeny dr poked and prodded it and kept saying "its not that deep" and we kept saying "its deep because we saw how far the blade was in". She then injected the local anesthetic directly into the cut (ouch) and then sewed him up badly (ouch) and the anesthetic wasnt working (ouch) and said come back the next day. No tetnus shot, nothing.


So we rocked up bright and early and the specialist dr took off the bandage and I kid you not recoiled in horror at the finger. I felt like puking and the dude whose finger it was was mortified.


The dr took out the stitches and put a toriquet kind of thing round the finger and pumped it full of local in the right place and cleaned out the cut. Bits of rice stalk, mud and muck were coming out and he said that a bit of the bone was chipped and 2mm more one way would have cut through the finger joint. Sewed him back up and the guy had to go back every day for a week for drips of goodness knows what.


I am VERY VERY scared of J drs. VERY VERY scared

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Quick example, one of many.


I had a skin ailment on my foot that needed treating. Not being familiar with the fine divisions within the Japanese medical profession at this time, in all innocence I took my ailment to what I later found out was a 'rectal surgeon'. Instead of informing me that that was what he was, and pointing me in the way of a dermatologist, the rectal surgeon operated on me, cutting out the affected area and dosed me up with preventative antibiotics. This killed off all the beneficial fauna and flora in my colon leading to inflammation and bleeding of the large intestine. So the anal doctor then really came into his own and performed several rectal biopsies and other treatments more 'up his street' as it were.


When the skin problem returned due to being treated in completely the wrong way, I went to a dermatologist who expressed amazement that any doctor would have tried cutting the thing out. He began a long treatment that eventually proved effective. However, imagine my surpise when I see the same dermatologist on the evening news, convicted of running a prostitution ring from his nightclub side business.


Besides completely cavalier and negligent treatment like this, I have seen the most amazing arrogance and time-wasting by young doctors at university hospitals, complete disregard for patient's privacy, and transparent attempts to rip people off with unnecessary medicines and 'consultations'.


However, I have encountered some good doctors here too. I actually liked the doctor who stitched up my son's eyelid after an accident in the bath, even though he smoked before and after the operation there in the consultation room. I also liked the doctor who delivered my son, while drunk from a party, on Christmas night. I think these doctors rely pretty heavily on the obvious competence of their female staff.

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Rather amusing, depending on which way you look at it, story from my fiance recently.


Headed off to a local GP for the annual company medical. The old fella giving her the once over must have really enjoyed the breast cancer examination because as he was finishing he simultaneously pinched both her nipples while exclaiming "Owari!"


Try getting away with that in Oz!

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I have a hospital horror story. Well, its more to do with "sfg/sam".


We were in Thailand and decided to hire a motorbike. Neither of us had ever riden one. We were cruising along (i was driving) and we went up a steep embankment which was very muddy and there were pot holes everywhere. Anyway, we hit one of the holes and the bike flipped. Sam burnt her leg pretty badly on the exhaust pipe. It wasn't pretty.


The next day we headed to the local hospital. We were on an island. The hospital was, hmmmmm, interesting.


A lot of it was open air. There were a couple of stray dogs trolling in and out of rooms. That was dogey enough. Then the nurse dressed the burn and sent us on our merry way and told us to clean the burn every day and change the bandages as well.


When we went to change it the next day we discovered that the bandages were not the "non stick" ones and so took of a fair amount of tender skin when we took it off. Not pretty at all!

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OMG I cant believe a dr did that eek.gif . Id give him a good wallop if someone did that to me. Mind you the drs usually get all stupid and giggly when they need to listen to my chest so Id hate to see what would happen in a breast exam!

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That was a good one, Antonio. It reminds me of an experience I had last year (I think it was last year) when I also tested my girlfriend's "sense of humour".


One day after a bit of shopping, my girlfriend and I are walking along, each with one hand carrying a shopping bag. My girlfriend's other hand is holding her purse and my other hand is on her opposite shoulder so the my arm is straddled across her shoulder and neck. Then wanting to get something in her purse she says in Chinese: "Please hold" presenting me with the shopping bag in her hand. However, in Chinese, the word for "hold" is the same as the word for "squeeze". So, overcome by my perverse sense of humour (which you may or may not be familiar with by now), I reach down with my hand which is resting on her shoulder and give a hearty full-sized squeeze on her right breast! Needless to say, she was furious and screamed at me saying:

"Damn you, you know I hate that..

(and here comes the PUNCH LINE)

...when you only squeeze one and not the other!


I swear this is true!

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Antonio...If she ever read this forum and found out anything about "kitty", I'd be safer moving to Baghdad.


Ocean, my friend, I have made a note of your preference and will make every effort to cater to it when I come over and give you your massage.

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I have been to the doctor once. I only had a cold but i was playing it up for a few days away from the office to lounge in bed. I went the the dr to keep up appearances and departed with 6 different tablets for my cold, plus a complicated schedule of when to take each one and in what qty. Modern medicine. One of the tablets was to stop me from vomiting as a result of taking so many tablets. I took them to work once I 'started to get better' and left them on my desk. I just threw a few in teh bin each day to make it look like I was taking the medication.


The doctor seemed like a nice guy and he could speak French as well as English.

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Profit, that's what's with that.


I cycled to the doctor's one winter's day wearing no gloves to check out a gut problem. He squeezed my hand in a friendly manner and said "Oh you have cold hands. You must have a circulation problem. Let me prescribe you some multivitamins (and thereby screw both you and the insurance system for my own profit)".

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Originally posted by echineko:
You have girlfriend? ? eek.gif eek.gif
Excuse me? Are you the same echineko whom I have been sending private emails to, and whom I have been perfectly honest with?

Because that echineko asked me several times whether I had a girlfriend and I answered truthfully each time!
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