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Go to a public office and its just disgusting - but there is no alternative. I feel like taking my own slippers to the place just to avoid putting on some of those gross things. \:o

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Having lived in japan for over 18 months, I'm still not sure which way you're supposed to face when you use a Japanese style toilet. I'm not flexible enough in the joints to squat like a Japanese person so improvisation seems best to me.


As for the slippers, I think they're disguisting. When you go to an onsen, hotel, ryokan or whatever you don't know how many festering pairs of feet with planta warts or tinea or some other festy virus/disease are waiting in there to latch onto your feet.


I'm with db on this..my shoes are safer than anything else. I know where they've been and that's most important.


The post about the kitchen being less hygenic than the toilet sink...your fingernails are worse than all of them

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This is one thing that took me quite a while to get used to and I'm still not really even after over a year. I think it's gross too. And I hate it when it is always a "topic" with Japanese around me - oh look scooby's feet are tooo big for the slippers ahahahahahahahahahahahhaha.



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