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Download tour concerts (Metallica) - check it out

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Metallica blows, or at least they do now. Thanks for single-handedly killing the underground file sharing networks you fooking kooks. What, not making enough money as it is? I guess playing with orchestras will lose you a few core fans.


PS - it is a cool idea, but 10 bucks for each download? It probably costs more to run snow japan than what they are doing and we get all SJ has to offer for free. (don't go getting any ideas SJ ;\) )

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I went to a bar the other day where they were showing a big video of Metallica playing their shit with an orchestra - what a stale old stunt that is. It was, predictably, a dreadful noise and boring as hell.

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I thought Metallica were past it 10 years ago.


Orchestras with rock bands? No thanks.


I'm not so into the Dead, Phish, DMB etc, but at least they get full marks for fan service.


As for the downloading thing, lots of people are happily paying for downloads now they have the option. The RIAA had to lose a large price- fixing law suit for CD prices to come down in the US, so you know where they can stick their opinion about what customers want and how much money bands are supposedly "losing".

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Metallica basically died with Cliff Burton in my book. My favorite album, Master of Puppets.


Here's a great quote from Ian Mcfaye, Owner of Discord records, and member of seminal DC band Fugazi,


"When people who are songwriters say 'That's my property and if you give it away for free then I'll lose my incentive,' then, well, good riddance."

He argues that artist should do it for the art, for the joy of making good music, and the OVERALL motivation should not be to make lots of money.



It's all on MrSparkle's blog,


Have a look, it's great!

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Most probably this part, the part about artists "doing it for their art"


He argues that artist should do it for the art, for the joy of making good music, and the OVERALL motivation should not be to make lots of money.
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