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Kerry was a lame candidate really. bin Laden's video was a excellent opportunity to say "Bush did not protect us from terror on 9/11, and has not brought the perpetrator to justice in the 3 years since then. He refuses to say why he didn't protect Americans then, and has made protecting them much harder now. Bush and his team should be fired now you have the chance."


Did he say anything nearly so persuasive?

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It comes down to Ohio. I'm disgusted with the U.S right now. I have been for some time but I was hopefull that Americans would realise the lonely, destructive path they are travelling on and vote for a change of direction. I guess the shock of 9/11 hasn't worn off and the people want a prez that will fight anybody, anytime and at any cost regardles of world opinion or domestic short/long term economic health.


I feel sick \:\(

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Its quite sad that over half the population think GWB is doing a good job and protecting the US from further terrorist attacks and Bush has Americans living in fear :rolleyes:


I think Obama, the new senator from Illinois, should run next time - he could be the first black president in History. That Id like to see.

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What are they thinking? read below Slow.



"My life is on the line,"


"Every election's important, but ... my very survival is an issue, and that never was,I'd like to know I'm gonna live another 20 years, that I'll have grandchildren. All I care about is safety, safety, safety."


" I guess we never do get the truth, but I guess I never cared as much to know the truth."



It appears many have been terrorised enough to think Bush will keep them safe.

Also Bush cleaned up in the Biblebelt - the religious, white, states in the South and midwest - too much support from the religious old fashioned.

In Alabamba Bush won 63% to 37% - amazing.

Kerry won in all the modern progressive states -California, New York etc.

I cant bear to watch the TV and see that smug SOB gloating, lets just hope he does better in his second term in office, Lets hope.

The saddest thing about it is that the anti American sentiment around the world that Plucky so often liked to point out, will if anything get worse. Thats too bad.



One old lady in Florida in Palm Beach County, Florida knew what was coming. "I know it won't count," she says. "It won't make a difference. Am I cynical? Yes, I am."

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Originally posted by Yuki's Passion:
I think Obama, the new senator from Illinois, should run next time - he could be the first black president in History. That Id like to see.
Yeah I heard about him, he is the man, but I hate to say this but it would be a tough sell to the Bush Core - the Republican white religious crowd it the bible belt.
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Americans need to realise their responsibility to the rest of the world. I am sure many do. The American leader must be an exemplary human, one of the greatest. The fact that the Bush alternative (Kerry) was not much good is not a situation the world should have to suffer.


A wild notion and one that takes us toward the dreaded single global government.... But it seems to me that to some impossible to determine degree, the ‘rest of the world’ should almost get a say in these elections. After all, we distinctly influenced by the results. If America is incapable of offering up two globally acceptable candidates then the World should stand up and veto the election until some truly outstandingly capable contenders found. America is the most advanced and powerful and potentially magnificent country on earth, an amazing success story of the last 100 years, a country that pretty much has the best of everything yet..... Just look at the disgraceful c**ts that are vying for the otherwise distinguished role as leader! Sorry about the extremely vile language there, but it is the only way I know to express the hopelessness of the situation.


It seems to me that this entire attempt at an election should have been cancelled and put on hold until the all mighty of the party system was able to facilitate the People (of the World) with quality candidates.


I still wear my NY Yankees cap at work when talking to my NY colleagues via our weekly video conference, I won’t give up on them entirely \:\)

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When everybody else's turn to vote comes around, it's important to vote for a party that will not maintain close relations with the US. That means NOT mealy mouthed Bliar in the UK.


In his acceptance speech, Bush said "We have one country, one constitution and one future that binds us. When we come together and work together there is no limit to the greatness of America." Apart from the glaring fallacy of that statement, the megalomania, hubris, and lack of historical memory is terrifying. He might as well as have shouted "Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer".


Oh shit...

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I hope it isn't Nth Korea but I doubt anyone will be invaded as the Iraq quagmire alone is proving to be unsolveable. I'm not overly suprised given Bush's overwhelming support from the god squad. It would disturb me a great deal to live in a country where religion plays such a huge part in politics. We'd all be better of if those god botherers kept their faith personal.

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This may have been a good election for the "Democrats" to lose. The US economy is increasingly dependent on foreign capital and the petrodollar to prop it up, and Bush's tax cuts and massive military spending have bankrupted the government. The level of household debt is very high, so all the fundamentals point towards it getting nasty sometime soon. Argubly had Kerry fought the election on economic issues, he would have had an impossible job rectifying any of the above problems, not least because any measures he proposed would be hampered by the Republican Congress. All he would get is the blame when things went wrong. If the peak oil theorists are correct, the effects of the above factors will be multiplied severalfold.


In the UK, Labour lost a winable election in 1992, but by doing so they avoided getting saddled with Britain's forced devaluation and pullout of the ERM (an inevitability) in the following year. Since winning in the next election in 1997, they've been able to protray themselves as the party of economic competence with virtually no dissention from commentators. With hindsight, 1992 was a good one to lose.


On the global stage, it's time for Europe to reimpose itself. They should ditch the UK if our leaders aren't prepared to go along with it. The first thing Europe should do is to step into the Israel-Palestine conflict. The USA has clearly failed in its role there as moderator.


I think the best move for anyone concerned in the UK is to join the Labour Party and oust Blair from within. Like the Democrats with Kusinich and Jesse Jackson, there are good people in the Labour Party, they just don't have a strong base. The Christian Right in the States ascended to power by taking over an existing party machine, not by starting a new one. In fact, the biggest threat to the Republicans is Pat Robertson or someone starting a Christian Party to the right of them.

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I currently take bets on which country will bomb Bush next.








North Korea_____1/10000000000000000000000000000



Other EU(except GB)________1/100





Place your bets at:


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