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It's easy to swap. If you are in Club Docomo you may have enough points to get a new phone for free or discounted at least. If you're not in Club Docomo, join it. Next time you want to upgrade your phone you'll be able to cash in some points.

There's basically only 2 Docomo plans - Citiphone and Digital. Digital is the standard one, Citiphone is cheaper (not as strong for reception and Docomo deliberately doesn't let it work in as many areas as their Digital service - ie - on other islands and in some country areas. You probably have Digital service. It's easy to add other features that you want if you want them, such as internet, etc. You can do all that when you change over the phone. They'll even change over all your phone numbers. And yes, you can figure out which is the best plan for you, however the one you're on might already be the best. Check it out and see.

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This is probably not for the people in Kansai. But AU and Docomo are going to start "Mobile Suica" next January. It must be convenient but it'll be cool if we can use our mobile phone not only for JR but also Metro.

I may wait to change my mobile and see how it works.

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Look!! They named a phone after me! I was quite happy with my regular docomo mova until I saw this . (Click on the picture of the five phones - look at the middle one.)

Now I might have to get a P901i Foma...

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