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I earn my turns by putting up with working most weekdays.

I like to urn my terns.   Though that probably belongs in the Monkey in a Bucket thread.

I earn my turns by having to get up at the ridiculously early time of 8am to make the first lifts at Mt Granview or Maiko Snow Resort.

The Nisekos of this world are what drove me away from resort skiing in the first place.

Unfortunately they will continue to sprout their nonsense while they manage to turn a profit.

Their certainly not doing it out of altruistic motives.



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And if a helicopter could get me up there quicker, I'd be on for that.



Well I worked for a heli-ski company in Canada for a whole season and yes getting a helicopter to the top of each run is pretty damned awesome :thumbsup:

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Last year at Teine, we were speaking to one of the guides from a heli operation out of Niseko….all sounded fantastic until he told us the price :o Oh well, the lifts aren't bad anyway! ;)

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I agree with SKI, "earn your turns" is a bit a of a silly saying. If you want to hike the mountain, good for you, but saying that in doing so you have earned your turns just makes it look like you are looking down on those of us who use a lift.


Is there any other sport who has a saying that comes close to this one. I've ridden to the top of some nice hills to mountain bike down. Don't remember thinking I'd "earned" my ride down. Sailed in some great winds, had the boat up and planing along. Don't remember thinking I'd "earned" the ride.


Anyway I think it's a silly saying. You want to hike fine, just don't lord it over those of use who don't.

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I agree with SKI, "earn your turns" is a bit a of a silly saying. If you want to hike the mountain, good for you, but saying that in doing so you have earned your turns just makes it look like you are looking down on those of us who use a lift.


Is there any other sport who has a saying that comes close to this one. I've ridden to the top of some nice hills to mountain bike down. Don't remember thinking I'd "earned" my ride down. Sailed in some great winds, had the boat up and planing along. Don't remember thinking I'd "earned" the ride.


Anyway I think it's a silly saying. You want to hike fine, just don't lord it over those of use who don't.

I totally understand and agree with the saying "earned your turns".


It doesn't infer that you are looking down at lift or helicopter users but acknowledges the effort you have put into getting your run down the hill.


Other sports I've been involved in (judo, football and cycling) have many expressions about having to "earn" a particular status or reward. Said "earning" usually describes supreme physical effort and sacrifice with training regimes.


The idea of "earning" your reward implies that you have made the sacrifices and put in the hard yards to get it, so I can totally see how climbing to a peak to ski down from it can be described as "earning your turns."


Quite the opposite of being "silly", IMHO it is most apt. :D :party:

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Ya...earn your "anything"... is kind of a macho bull$hit I'm better than you thing, right...


Not sure if that's sarcasm Chriselle, but I definitely don't read it as an I'm better than you thing. In fact those feelings are IMHO usually brought about by insecurities in the person claiming to be on the receiving end of them.


When used properly the "earned your"....anything should simply be a badge of respect for the effort expended to get the "earner" to where he/she is !!


........ :stir: and cue philosophical debate :stir:

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Big Al.....with only 182 posts you haven't earned the right to post anything other than ...."yes sir, no sir",,,,,and "Chriselle is a really funny guy....."


And..BTW.....That's Mr. Chriselle to you newbie



Now THAT was a sarcastic post.. :wave:

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(Edit - this is a reply to Tubby's post - Lord, Earl, Sir Chriselle of the Chriselle's Senior lll'd got in too quick for me)


Well you're assuming the "earner" is the one doing the saying which is probably a fair assumption amongst the narcissistic youth of today.


I (being of sufficient vintage to understand that the port only gets passed to the left) assume that in conversation it is the respector of the badge earned by the earner who is more likely to use the phrase as a compliment.


Or in Scottish terms Tubby "The loudest bummer's no' the best bee" :D

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Personally I think it's more the insecurities of the sayer......the need to gain approval from their peers by showing off their supposed badges of honour


That's what I meant in my own crude way......I'm with the beav on this one..

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(Edit - this is a reply to Tubby's post - Lord, Earl, Sir Chriselle of the Chriselle's Senior lll'd got in too quick for me)


Well you're assuming the "earner" is the one doing the saying which is probably a fair assumption amongst the narcissistic youth of today.


I (being of sufficient vintage to understand that the port only gets passed to the left) assume that in conversation it is the respecter of the badge earned by the earner who is more likely to use the phrase as a compliment.


Or in Scottish terms Tubby "The loudest bummer's no' the best bee" :D


I agree with you, too big Al..


Edit....but I'll get you on a technicality. Tubby is "earn your"........ Big Al is "earn my"....

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That may well bee ;) but in the context of this thread, it's moot. People who use such a phrase on here tend to be the ones who are striding naked up the mountain, naked through a blizzard while thumbing their gnarly noses at the unworthy plebs sitting comfortably in their hooded quad lifts taking the bourgeoisie route to the top

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