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Hey Tubbs.


While defending your cool, student-seminar-type, the world-is-all-wrong attitude over several posts, you (without provocation - check and see) inevitably introduce an argument relating to physical dimensions of the penis and (by inference) testosterone levels.


One would have to ask one'self "Is this the core issue for you?" :D

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I earn my turns by putting up with working most weekdays.

I like to urn my terns.   Though that probably belongs in the Monkey in a Bucket thread.

I earn my turns by having to get up at the ridiculously early time of 8am to make the first lifts at Mt Granview or Maiko Snow Resort.

You did actually* (* that's why I said it). I've got a copy of it somewhere...


All I can say is that I'm going to jolly well try to avoid you!

I certainly don't want my head smashed in, that's for sure!



Of course but that won't stop you making attacks from behind the safety of your keyboard.

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You're the one attacking and talking about smashing heads!


Or should I perhaps fly down to Australia to deliver my post to you personally? :confused:


(You're havent been in Niseko for quite a while have you, just checking.)

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You're the one attacking and talking about smashing heads!


Or should I perhaps fly down to Australia to deliver my post to you personally? :confused:


(You're havent been in Niseko for quite a while have you, just checking.)


Pie I challenge you to find any thread where I've come into it purely to make personal attacks on you. Sure I retaliate but I don't initiate. On the other hand you obviously have a little thing against me and constantly come into threads purely to make a personal attack on me and comments I've made. It's that simple.

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Plenty of them around GN.


Fortunately, most of them spend very inconsequential lives and wake up to that fact at some point in their bottom-dwelling existences, realising that they've f$cked it (you're only here once) when it's too late to grow a pair.


"Far better it is to dare mighty things, even though checkered by failure than to rank with those poor, timid spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in a grey twilight that knows not victory nor defeat." Theodore Roosevelt.

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Ah the truly bizarre 'You have a thing against me' line of thought.


It truly is bizarre. Can't believe you still say that with a straight face. You overestimate yourself to an impossible degree*!




I will certainly admit that I do have 'a thing about' things like silliness, bullshit, sly marketeers and the like.


(* See most other threads to confirm).

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Hey Tubbs.


While defending your cool, student-seminar-type, the world-is-all-wrong attitude over several posts, you (without provocation - check and see) inevitably introduce an argument relating to physical dimensions of the penis and (by inference) testosterone levels.


One would have to ask one'self "Is this the core issue for you?" :D


I dunno Big Al, is dressing up in women's underwear and listening to Alanis Morissette a recognised sign of low testosterone and small willy syndrome?! I wouldn't want to get called a "poofter" from a big meat head of a real man

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