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How many times have you had your lift ticket confiscated by Ski Patrol?

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Originally Posted By: Weegeoff
As far as I an concerned it,s their country ,their rules and if you dont like it dont come and if you live there @issoff back home

I really dislike this kind of attitude. Reminds me of racists talking about immigrants back in Australia. As far as I'm concerned Japan is my country and my home now and there are plenty of things I don't like about it but many more things I love about it. And as far as I'm concerned I have every right to discuss things I do and don't like.
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I thought I was fairly clear last night. Anyhow, if any more of what I asked not to be posted goes up, and you then find yourself unable to post any more on these Forums, don't be surprised as it will be totally your own doing. Thanks.

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Can you add a emo-con where a face is throwing up, like chuck-chunder ..

I know people don't understand what Japanese is because they don't understand the language and culture, but some people don't know what discussion is in their own language ?

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CB that thread sort of reinforces the fact that very little ever changes here even when companies/resorts are going under financially they seem incapable of any change and that we've been having similar discussions for about as long as these forums have been up and running...

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Originally Posted By: RobBright
Originally Posted By: tripler
Are you a signed up member of the British National Party?

He's scottish so I suspect not. wink

Scotland is part of Great Britain and the BNP do field candidates there. But this is pretty off topic so I'd better shut up now...
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Originally Posted By: Go Native
CB that thread sort of reinforces the fact that very little ever changes here even when companies/resorts are going under financially they seem incapable of any change and that we've been having similar discussions for about as long as these forums have been up and running...

change here is like molasses!!
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Haven't had a chance to check too much, been busy outside drilling holes for a ground mount solar installation.


I'll look into it and get back to you. I could be wrong, but I'd been told that - might have been by a patroller trying to bignote?

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Originally Posted By: tripler
Are you a signed up member of the British National Party?

No and I am not racist I live in Scotland but I am english.As far as I am concerned If I go to somones house or Country and they have rules/ laws ect then you abide by them and thats not racist.
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Originally Posted By: Go Native
Originally Posted By: Weegeoff
As far as I an concerned it,s their country ,their rules and if you dont like it dont come and if you live there @issoff back home

I really dislike this kind of attitude. Reminds me of racists talking about immigrants back in Australia. As far as I'm concerned Japan is my country and my home now and there are plenty of things I don't like about it but many more things I love about it. And as far as I'm concerned I have every right to discuss things I do and don't like.

Why do you dislike this kind of attitude? Do the immigrants have to abide by the Australian laws etc? Yes!.And I agree you have every right to discuss things and so have I without being called a racist. This topic comes up every year. Someone is coming to Japan for the first time and they ask the same question (in a nut shell} Where can I break the rules
I also think you are a very lucky man living and working in Japan I would love to but circumstances wont let me.
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Originally Posted By: Jynxx
"When in Rome, do as the Roman's do."
I think we read this phase in an English textbook in junior high in Japan ...

commit buggery? wear toga's and ferns in our ears? wink
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Originally Posted By: Weegeoff
As far as I am concerned If I go to somones house or Country and they have rules/ laws ect then you abide by them

As far as I'm concerned, as long as your behaviour doesn't hurt other people then it's ok. Screw the laws of the land.
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Originally Posted By: tripler
Originally Posted By: Weegeoff
As far as I am concerned If I go to somones house or Country and they have rules/ laws ect then you abide by them

As far as I'm concerned, as long as your behaviour doesn't hurt other people then it's ok. Screw the laws of the land.

Part of the issue we had to face was 'what is being taught to the kids...' This debate is all well and good between informed, mature and consenting adults - and when one member of a party ducks - the others are completely able to make up their own mind as to whether that is a risk they are willing to take (consequences of law breaking or not) - however when an adult in a party does it and encourages the kids to do it ....well...the Mummy's all kicked up. And with good reason.

I think parents need to be held to a higher standard - especially in front of their kids. But that is just my opinion.
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Originally Posted By: Weegeoff
Originally Posted By: Go Native
Originally Posted By: Weegeoff
As far as I an concerned it,s their country ,their rules and if you dont like it dont come and if you live there @issoff back home

I really dislike this kind of attitude. Reminds me of racists talking about immigrants back in Australia. As far as I'm concerned Japan is my country and my home now and there are plenty of things I don't like about it but many more things I love about it. And as far as I'm concerned I have every right to discuss things I do and don't like.

Why do you dislike this kind of attitude? Do the immigrants have to abide by the Australian laws etc? Yes!.And I agree you have every right to discuss things and so have I without being called a racist. This topic comes up every year. Someone is coming to Japan for the first time and they ask the same question (in a nut shell} Where can I break the rules
I also think you are a very lucky man living and working in Japan I would love to but circumstances wont let me.

So in Scotland you never ever break any rules or laws? Never a few km's over the speed limit? Never cross a street except at a designated crossing? I fully admit to breaking a whole lot of rules and laws whilst I lived in Australia. And I can assure you there's going to be more than one or two I break whilst living here. As I've said before I don't consider myself a 'guest' in this country and I just live my life much the way I've always lived it except I do have to shovel a hell of a lot more snow here than I ever did in Aus razz
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Originally Posted By: tripler
Originally Posted By: Weegeoff
As far as I am concerned If I go to somones house or Country and they have rules/ laws ect then you abide by them

As far as I'm concerned, as long as your behaviour doesn't hurt other people then it's ok. Screw the laws of the land.

Brilliant rollabout you'll live long and prosper. Don't go to China.
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Japan executes a fair few people each year too, though not for rope ducking AS FAR AS I KNOW. There's also the interesting law that if you pay the victim (or their family if you've murdered the victim) some dosh, you get off. Sweet!

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Originally Posted By: Go Native
thurs is referring to the fact that China executes more people for crimes than any other country on the planet.

That may be so, but China has a bigger population that any other country. The highest per capita execution rate is in Singapore, followed by Saudi Arabia.
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I think the general consensus of the people who've posted is that they=re are laws in any land. If you go to ANY land on earth, and break their laws, you are subject to the punishments that THEY hand out.


If you want to "screw the laws of the land" then you have just one person to rely on when/if you get caught. And, unless I read wrong, that person is not very useful as an advocate in a court.


You'd be advised to think about what you post, as you never know who might read it.

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gg, just trying to give a gentle reminder of the need for "considered comment" rather than inflamatory argument.


We live in hope!

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