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We all face problems with your job - but why do you want to quit or have quit in the past?


For me


Communcation - if there is lack of it, or it is poor, than I am off, no matter how much money you try to offer me, if you can't explain the plans, or requests, or demands, clearly or precisely, bye bye!

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For me, its boredom... I can be getting paid a gazillion dollars, but if I'm not being kept mentally or physically active, then I start dreaming of other places I'd rather be.


I used to have a job where I was getting paid a decent enough salary, and all I really had to do was turn up. I sat on the internet or mucked around in PS CS3 and Illustrator for 8 hours a day, then went home. It did allow me to brush up on my photoshop and jap skills though, but neither had any relevance to my job.

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Most of the jobs I quit from (and there's been a few) was because I was about to head off traveling for many months. And similar to Sciclone I get bored pretty easily and want to try something different. Working at the prison never really got boring as such but I felt myself losing my humanity after a few years. It was becoming harder and harder to come home and suddenly turn on human emotions again. Just had to get out. That was the longest I've ever stayed in one job.

Also important for me is to like the people I work with, especially the boss. I don't get along with them then I'm out pretty damned quick.

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Because ...

1) I scratch your back and you don't scratch mine.

2) Penny pinching ... Why aren't you paying me for that extra 15 min you want me to do.

3) Penny pinching ... Why are you cutting back 1/2 hr of my work

4) I don't have to be the one doing that crap and I have better things to do.

5) Who is the idiot when you follow an idiot. I want my boss to be sharp.

6) There are better things to do than just make money.

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I have quit my job in the past.


*Because I had a better one: Quit serving icecreams to get me through Uni after I graduated and got a job in Welfare/Interpreting.


*Because I just couldnt handle it: I quit a job as a high school interpreter (which I loved) because I was taking too many days off and the stress levels were killing me - not with the job - with GETTING there. My 6 month old baby and I were always getting sick (teenagers have GERMS), an uncle died, my childcare arrangements fell apart and my car was a sh!tter to make the distance every day. Logistically it was not working out.


*Because I had other priorities: After a health scare a few weeks back I realised that all I was concerned about when I thought I might just have a short time left was my kids and my 'fight' ability so I could hang around a bit longer for my kids. So I quit my all consuming job (which I had mistakenly felt to be a high priority) and now have more time for my family and getting physically fit and strong. I will take on some freelance jobs soon...but I wont allow it to become more than casual again for a while. The kids deserve to have me be there for them.


I am sure there are other reasons why I WOULD quit - but these are why I HAVE quit.

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Originally Posted By: muikabochi
All ok there now Mamabear? Sounds like it. friend

Yes Muika, seems all OK.
CT scan showed a benign vascular tumor in my liver..just waiting on an MRI to go slice by slice and make sure there are no nasties hidden within the benign mass - but it is simply a precaution.

The biggest frustration has been that I stopped my no carb diet due to the stress it puts on the liver as a precaution - and I have STACKED on the weight despite going to the gym at least every second day and eating less because carbs are so filling. SO I am fit, strong and ROUND. Now that my liver is pretty much in the clear I am starting back on the no carb routine - and then hopefully all will be right in my world again smile
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Originally Posted By: RobBright
haha - nice idea muika - am in a position right now where just don't enjoy working any more due to work issues but have got the fear.

me too mate. 'm really trying to wrack my brain and find out what I REALLY would like to do for a job, so that I have a target of where I wanna go. Prob for me right now is that I still don't have any idea what I would LOVE to do....answers on a postcard please!! smile
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